The Garden of Five Senses

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With a warm invasiveness that's hard to ignore, the morning sun shines directly through the windows onto Merida's petite, naked form, waking her carelessly from her sleep. With a satisfying stretch, she takes a moment to absorb the morning glow as it spreads across the modest studio apartment, which has been her home away from home these last few weeks.

Given the poverty and water welfare company Merida worked for was more volunteer than corporately-run, booking her own accommodation and travel was something that came with the job. In saying that, as much as she'd wanted to stay closer to Delhi's slum colonies – and in turn closer to where her work would be focussed – this time Ava had booked her accommodation, which meant staying in a place to Ava's tastes. Upon arriving, Merida could see why Ava had chosen it. The apartment was as lovely as it was compact, the humble yet artistic flair of the decor complimenting the balcony garden and view of South Delhi beautifully.

Being her last day in Delhi before flying home, Merida could do whatever she liked. Briefly, she softly slips her hands over the smooth contours of her naked waist, considering an indulgent session of self-care before beginning the day. Whilst she'd been surrounded by people daily as she worked with the local volunteer groups, Merida missed Ava, often craving the intuitive, passionate intensity of her touch. Slowly, she glides her fingertips over the tops of her bare thighs before trailing them back towards her hips; but suddenly, her phone rings, abruptly ruining the mood.

Without looking, Merida half-heartedly reaches for her phone, tapping the answer button, "Hello?"

"Hi! It's Lucas, how are you?" a deep yet bright voice answers in return.

Immediately Merida sits bolt upright, a nervous knot instantly forming in her stomach.

"Lucas! Hey! I'm great, just woke up actually, how're you?" With as much control as she can muster, Merida does her best to slow her rambling by actively steadying her voice to a more normal tone rather than letting it reach a higher decibel that might betray her excitement.

"I'm good, I'm good." For a moment, Lucas pauses. Merida holds herself in his pause with bated breath, his perfectly paced way of speaking – neither hurried or too slow – a quality that immediately resonates with her sex each time he speaks. "Have you made any plans for your last day yet?"

"Not really, I still have a few things to do for you and the other volunteers before I leave–"

"Nonsense! You can't spend your last day doing work. Why don't you let me take you out?" Lucas suggests enthusiastically.

"Oh, I couldn't! You've done so much for me already on this trip..." Merida sheepishly replies, recalling the amount of times he'd helped her get around the city and worked alongside her in the relentless heat for hours at a time.

"Merida, please." Another pause. Squirming amongst the bedsheets, Merida sighs internally, wondering if he knows how much he affects her. "You've worked so many long hours since you arrived, many more than I'm sure you've reported back to your head office." He continues pointedly in a kind tone.

"I guess..." she admits begrudgingly, unconsciously chewing her bottom lip.

"It's settled then!" Lucas declares happily, "I'll be by to pick you up in an hour or so. See you soon!"

Before she can thank him or ask what they might do, the call ends, and Lucas is gone.

Merida lies back against the pillows, cradling her phone between her breasts, absently noting the strength and heightened speed of her heartbeats.

A whole day with Lucas, alone, without the distractions of work. Could she keep it together? Before Merida's thoughts could swirl down a rabbit hole of anxious curiosity, her phone vibrates suddenly as the ringtone sounds again.

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