Chapter41-I cant live without you.

Start from the beginning


"NOW ELEANOR HAS BROKEN UP WITH ME!" Louis cried, as he threw his phone, across the room.

"Louis, I didn't mean to kiss you!" Monica croaked, as she crawled up, into a corner.


"But I didn't know that Eleanor w-would find out" Monica stuttered, as tears began to pour from her eyes.

"YOU'VE RUINED THE RELATIONSHIP THAT I HAD WITH THE GIRL OF MY DREAMS" Louis screamed, as he walked closer to her.

"Louis please, I'm sorry" Monica whispered, as she covered her eyes, with her hands.

"You shouldn't even be here, your not worthy enough, to live with One Direction." Louis sniggered.

"Please don't hurt you" Monica shivered, as Louis, walked up to her fiercely.

"I HATE YOU" Louis roared, as he gripped onto her arm tightly.

"I can hurt you if I want, you have no control over me" Louis smirked, as he began to grip tighter onto Monica's arm.

"Louis, LEAVE HER ALONE!" I yelled, as I pushed him over, and ran towards Monica.


I finally realised how intense the argument really was.

I finally realised how much Louis actually hurt her.

I finally realised how much Monica pretended she didn't care.

I finally realised how much Louis didn't notice.

I finally realised how much pain and agony that Monica must of been going through.

And I finally realised, that I wasn't properly there.

"YOUR A COMPLETE DOUCHE!" I yelled, as I ran towards Louis, and pushed him up against the wall.

"HOW COULD YOU BE SO CREWL?! DO YOU NOT HAVE A HEART?!" I squealed, as I looked intensely into Louis dull green eyes.

"Huh?" Lou asked confused.

"SHE LOVED YOU, SHE COULDN'T HELP IT, AND THE WAY--... You know what? Just forget it! Monica loved you Louis, and because your so 'faaamous' you take everything for granted, I hate you" I whispered, violently, as I walked out of the room.

I walked into the ladies bathroom, and looked at my reflection in the mirror.

My skin was pale, my normally bright blue eyes, were a depressing bluey-grey colour. The smile that was usually planted on my face, was nowhere to be seen, my lips were a lifeless, light pink, and my hair was in a straggled messy bun.

I washed my face, with the tap water, and untied my hair, so that it was bouncing on my shoulders.

I opened my bag, that was hanging loosely over my shoulder, and took out my make-up case.

I quickly put on a light amount of foundation, a small layer of mascara and some bright red lipstick.

I opened my bag again, as I took out my sparkly red brush, and began to brush through the knots that were scattered in my hair.

I tied my hair into a messy plait, and flipped my fringe to the side.


I walked back into 'Room397', to notice that everyone was gone besides Harry, whom was sitting on a chair, with his eyes closed.

"Hey Hazzy" I giggled, as I kissed his cheek.

"Julia, your here!" He smiled, as he got up from his chair.

I'm not a fan (Harry Styles Fanfic) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now