Meeting Micheal Myers

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Yn's pov:

I woke up with my hands and feet tied to a chair, I was in an unusual place. I was not in camp crystal lake anymore. Hell, I couldn't even tell where I was since it was so dark. I turned my head to the left a little bit, and saw someone staring at me. "Micheal?" I asked. "Is that you?" I asked nervously. Micheal walked closer to me, I wanted to move but I couldn't since I was tied to a chair. "What do you want from me?" I asked. Micheal took another piece of paper out and was writing something down. 'Dang. How much paper does he carry around with him?' I thought. Then he tried handing the paper to me. "I can't." I said. He tilted his head in confusion. I moved my arms a little so he could see I was tied up. Micheal let one of my hands to be untied so I could read the note. He handed the paper to me. It said:

I already told you what I want.

"I'm sorry Micheal, but I kind of forgot since you know, YOU KNOCKED ME OUT WITH A BAT!" I said, but yelling the last part. Micheal just rolled his eyes, wrote something down, and handed it to me.

I want you yn. There is no escape yn, so don't even try.

"ok, um, well two things." I said. "Jason will find me again, and two, can you even talk?" I asked. Micheal wrote something down and handed it to me. This was just getting annoying.

I can talk, it's just that people think my voice is scary, and I don't want to scare you away by talking. Also, I would like to point something out, if you try to escape and I stop you before you can get away, there will be consequences for even trying to escape, and also even if you do successfully escape, I will find you, and there will be even worse consequences for actually escaping. Also, Jason I can 100% guarantee will not find you. He NEVER leaves camp crystal lake. If he does come though, I will be ready. You are mine yn.

"But why? Why does everyone want me? I'm nothing special." I said. Micheal then actually started to talk. "What do you mean everyone wants you?" Micheal asked. I got freaked out because he actually talked. His voice wasn't all that scary. "I mean, you, Freddy, and Jason." I said. Micheal threw his knife across the room. "What was that for?" I asked. "So what you're saying is, if I have to fight anyone for you to be mine, I have to fight two of them?" Micheal said sounding pissed. "I guess so?" I said. "well, you're mine and that's final." Micheal said while leaving the room. "Where are you going?" I asked. "Out." Micheal said while slamming the door. 'Jason please come find me.' I thought. 

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