Chapter Nineteen:fault in our stars references...?

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Eeeeeeee!!!!! Back stories to me are adorable and I'll forever love them and you even if I barely know you.


Derek's Point Of View:

Scott shook my shoulder and I turned my head and closed my eyes again. He sighed and unbuckled my wrist, I squinted slightly and checked my arms. They had chain marks on them and I winced slightly, the pain stung a little. Scott helped me up slowly and I felt my stiff body crack with movement.

The loft was unnaturally bright, dust floated in the air. The sun illuminated every single corner of my living area, it hurt my eyes actually the brightness. I groaned loudlyand I could hear Scott apologise even though the sun being bright wasn't his fault.

My body ached badly, half from sleeping on the floor and half from practically turning last night. I dragged myself to my bed and limply climbed on top of it, I could feel my body relax from its memory foam. I sighed with relief and shut my eyes again, my exhaustion was unbearable, and I'm guessing Scott understood that. He uttered a goodbye and left, I was grateful for him, he understood the feeling of a bad transformation.

My bed seemed to make my sleeping problem a little easier, my eyes were to heavy to open and my body unable to move. The quilt felt heavy on me and it's warmth was comforting.I felt my consciousness start to slip away, my mind letting any thoughts from last night disappear.

My footsteps echoed, the pitch black tunnel made goosebumps form on my skin. Whispers of voices from my past growing louder and louder the more I walked.

"Why didn't you save us?"

"What happened to family!?!."

"It's your fault."

The last sentence made me stop, the aching in my chest that I once could surpass came back. It's all my fault, the fire, Laura, Scott getting turned. It's all my fault.

I sank to my knees, a harsh cry escaped my lips, tears ran down my cheeks.

"You dont deserve happiness."

"I don't."I agreed with my older brother's whispers.

"Stiles doesn't deserve the pain you bring to everyone."Laura's voice cut threw.

I loud scratchy cry escaped my lips, I couldn't contain my pain anymore it was true. Stiles doesn't deserve to be hurt by me, and I have no right to hurt him.

"You're a terrible person."My youngest sister's baby voice shrieked.

A bright light from the end of the tunnel started rushing towards me. I looked up but the light was too blinding.


I heard the door to my loft open and soft footsteps echo through the house.I couldn't move, wouldn't move. My family was right I'm a terrible person, I don't deserve happiness nor will I ever.

"Derek?,"I heard Stiles' sweet voice ring in my ear.

I couldn't talk, tears flowed out of my eyes, my dreams were right. I'm a piece of crap that doesn't deserve love from anyone or anything.Stiles I could hear was a lot closer now, his scent burned my nostrils. It was absolutely intoxicating.

"Derek? What's wrong?"He sounded panicked but I stood still crying.

He rushed to my side and I could see his cheeks flushed red, maybe out of panic I wasn't sure.

"Babe what's wrong?"Stiles gripped my arm firmly and I turned to look at him, a salty tear feel into my mouth.

I hiccuped and tried to hold back my sadness but it was all to much.

"I don't deserve you."My voice sounded terrible and the words coming out of my mouth tasted like vinegar.

Stiles looked upset, and not like oh my shirts ruined upset but my cat just died upset.

"I don't deserve happiness, anything and everything I touch gets either hurt or killed."I sobbed and Stiles quickly climbed into my bed and wrapped me in his arms.

"Why are you saying this."Stiles rocked me concern thick in his voice.

"My dream, my family told me so."I hiccuped. "It's a sign, that I don't deserve happiness."

"Bullshit, you out of the people I know deserve the most happiness, after all you've been through the only thing you should ever have is happiness."Stiles declared angrily."I'll be damned if you dont get a chance to be happy even after you're back to normal,

You Derek Hale, you are an amazing person! You deserve so much more in laugh then sadness and pain. You deserve love, passion, and especially happiness."Stiles kissed my forehead and I sniffed.

"But my dreams-"

"They're wrong Derek, it's your subconscious messing with you.I bet your family would want you to be happy, even if they're gone."I nodded and Stiles kept his head on top of my head.

"I'll only hurt you."I countered and I felt Stiles smile.

"Then it'll be an honor to get my heart broken by you, Derek Hale."

"Did you just reference fault in our stars."I looked up at him.

"Shhhh.. don't ruin the moment."He held on to me tighter.

"I love you."I murmured quietly.

"I love you too."

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