Crazy girl

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A/n: I don't know how long it takes for ribs to heal, just came up with two weeks. LOL. But anyway hopefully you like it. c;

Kim's POV

**** Two weeks later ****

"Kim it's time to get up." Ray shook me as I groaned into my pillow. The dreaded day was here, Today I go back to school. Luke's dad said that my ribs healed quickly, and I could now go back to school. Isn't he just my favorite person in the world?

"I'm up, get off." I told him shrugging off my blanket, from the couch. I hadn't slept in my room yet, Ray is in there now, I'll go shower and dress in there. But I can't sleep, I think It's because of my dream, the one where my dad ends up shooting me; Not the best memory when trying to sleep.

I ran upstairs, texting Alex a good morning, and jumped in the shower. I then threw a towel around me, and walked into my room. I got into my bra and panties, then slipped on an aztec print crop top, and some yellow jeggings from hollister, and my light blue vans. I blow dried my hair making the ends curl slightly, then put on some eyeliner, and lipgloss. I grabbed my phone, and looked at the time, 7:56 am. It said great, and I had two texts from Alex, one said good morning. The other read I'm outside. Fuck, I grabbed my bag, and ran downstairs yelling to my mom and brother "Alex's outside, see you guys later." as I walked out the door.

"Finally, I've been here for like a minute." Alex said opening the door for me, and walked to the otherside. We got to school and he parked next to Kayla's huge hummer. I saw her, and jumped out of the still moving car. "Kayla!" I yelled hurling myself at her. "Jesus Christ Don't hop out of the car, you scared me to death." Kayla said hugging me. Luke I now noticed was with her, "Lukey Bear!" I yelled as Kayla released me, I jumped straight to him, and he gave me a big hug. "Dang, freak"

he said patting my hair "Dont you ever unhype?" I laughed at him, and saw Alex get out of the car, hug Kayla, "Nope." I said, walking to Alex's side. Going into the school, basically pulling him along as he talked to Luke about the football game coming up.

First day back, and Mea seemed to be already bitching, "Hey there Kimmy, Daddy didn't hurt you to much did he?" she asked smirking. How is that funny? I clutched Alex's hand so hard, so I wouldn't hit her. "Fuck off Mea." I told her, walking to my locker letting go of Alex's hand to open it. "Yesterday was so much fun Alex, we need to do it again." Mea said. Yesterday I thought, Alex was with me. Dumb bitch, let's play than.

I shut my locker with much more than needed force, and grabbed Alex. "Yesterday was fun." I said leaning into him, and kissed him slowly. He got the idea, and lifted me up, putting my legs around him. I heard Mea stump off, sounding like an elephant.

We somehow had gained a crowd, after Mea stormed off. "Want me to take you to class?" asked Alex after we part, "Sure." I said. I hopped down, "Get on my back babe." he told me. This was gonna be fun, I thought. Luke was walking into advisory ahead of us, and looked back at us. He pulled out his phone and took a picture, "Facebooking it." and he walked into class. "Freak." I said into Alex's ear. "He's alright, so you coming to practice after school to watch me?" Alex asked after setting me down. "Depends on if your shirt is off, or not." I said kissing him on the cheek and walked into advisory.

I sat with my friends, everything was going fine until Mea accidently pushed a chair into my exposed ribs. "Fucking Bitch!" I screamed, clutching my ribs. "That's it, drop you're shit." Kayla said standing up shrugging off her bag. "What you sticking up for your girlfriend?" Mea said taunting Kayla. "Sit down or take it out of my class Ladies." our advisor said. "Sit down Kayla, I'll handle it myself. After school." I said after the pain left my ribs.

The day passed quickly, the word spread about me and Mea's after school fight. I told her after Alex's practice, in the middle of the football field. She isn't going to show, or she's going to have people jump in, I thought sitting on the bleachers with Kayla, and the boys. Alex and Luke were doing the final play when I stood up the field started getting crowded. People who wanted to see the fight arriving early, Mea was now walking up to Alex, who was talking to Luke on the field. "What the fuck?" Kayla said to me, "Let's go, I don't want her talking to Luke." I threw my hair into a tight ponytail, and handed my bag to Josh.

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