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Oin put his palm across Mivera's forehead,"She's burning up. Find a bed for her to lay down in, I'll get some blankets." Dwalin bent down to pick Mivera up, but Thorin beat him to it. He gingerly cradled her to his chest and followed Bofur down one of the halls. They opened a door and were relived that there was a large bed inside. Thorin set Mivera down on the window side and pulled the covers over her. Oin hustled in, his arms overflowing with nearly every blanket in the house. After they had starched all the blanket over top of her Oin sighed,"That should break the fever."

Bilbo knocked sheepishly and stuck his head in,"I have some cool water and a cloth." Bofur smiled and took it from him. He began to dab it into the water when Thorin interjected,"It's alright Bofur, I can do it." His hand were almost holding the bowl when a slimy figure emerged in the doorway. It was Alfrid, he stood and showed his yellowing teeth,"My Master would like to invite you to a great feast in your honor." Thorin was about to decline when Bofur said,"Tell your master we will come." Afraid nodded and left which a crooked grin.

Thorin eyed Bofur,"I'm staying here." Bofur sighed,"I know you want to, but you need to go. If you don't, the men of the lake may turn against us. If that happens I'm sure it won't matter to Mivera if you stayed or not." Thorin tried to be persuasive,"Hen there will be no one here to watch her." Bofur smiled,"Oh I'm sure it wouldn't be much trouble to Bilbo. Right?" Bofur had turned to the hobbit, who was admiring a large painting of the Master. Bilbo's head snapped to him,"What? Oh! Yes no trouble. None at all." He shifted awkwardly on his feet with Thorin's cold stare on him.

Balin was now in the room and rolled his eyes,"For Durin's sake Thorin. Bofur has a valid point. It is our best interests to make sure the men are our ally." Thorin stood silent for a moment and looked down at Mivera. Her eyes were flicking around under the closed lids. He lightly pressed the damp cloth to her forehead and huffed,"Fine." The other two dwarves smiled and left the room. Thorin left Mivera's side and went to Bilbo,"Watch her, and immediately come get me when she wakes up." Bilbo nodded and exhaled a held breath once Thorin was out of the room.

Bilbo pulled up a stool and set it by Mivera. He sat down and took the cloth off her head. He wrung it out and set it on the side table. Bilbo listened to the commotion down the hall. He heard the dwarves laughing, then a slam of a door told him the company had left. The second the door had slammed Mivera groaned. She opened her eyes into squints and glanced at Bilbo,"Glad to see you Master Baggins." Bilbo shot up,"You're awake! I need to go get Thorin!" Mivera grabbed his sleeve,"No!"

Bilbo turned around,"Why not?" Mivera held tightly to Bilbo's sleeve,"He needs to go to the feast. Bofur was right, in order for us to have the men as allies we need to earn what little trust they offer." Bilbo stared at her in disbelief,"You heard everything? And you didn't tell Thorin?" Mivera rolled her eyes,"If he knew I had woken up he wouldn't have gone." Bilbo nodded, knowing that was true. Mivera moved to sit up but hissed and fell back down. Bilbo was instantly at her side,"Are you alright?" She didn't even have to answer that question. Bilbo looked down horrified as he saw blood begin to soak the blankets. He quickly tore them off and Mivera whispered through gritted teeth,"Jist get me some Brandy." Bilbo failed to see how she could think about alcohol at a time like this but he obeyed and quickly returned with a bottle.

Mivera gave him an apologetic look,"Could you please leave me to clean this?" Bilbo nodded and stepped out the door. After about five minutes Mivera called him in and bilbo entered to see a perfect postured Mivera, while she was a little more pale, she looked normal. Bilbo sat back down on the stool and Mivera smiled out the window,"I remember when Esgaroth was alive and bustling. Thorin and I would come down from the mountain and simply walk the streets talking." Bilbo nodded, intrigued. He leaned forward in his chair,"How did you to meet?" Mivera chuckled,"Not in the best circumstances. You see, at first Thorin and I hated each other. We would always bicker and argue, but somehow somewhere I fell in love with that arrogant blockhead." Bilbo couldn't help but laugh. Mivera kept telling him stories of her and Thorin's life before Smaug and Bilbo listened intently until it was well after dark.

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