New town

12 0 5

Lily's POV

I had just escaped my kingdom, why? You ask, oh because I had for forced to marry the youngest ro'meave brother. Vylad. Like who says I want to marry him?! Anyways I had walk-in into this village and I had already bumped into someone. "Gah!! I'm so so so so sorry!!" I had said. The blue head boy turned and looked at him. He was cute as fuck. "Oh, don't worry it's ok." He had said whilst smiling. "O-ok.." I had looked around and saw some guards then looked at the blue head boy. "Catch you later!!" I finally said whilst running, and he fought of the guards just so he can speak to me.

Dantes POV

I fought of the guards just so I can see her again, she had beautiful emerald eyes. I saw the direction she ran I'm and I ran after her.

Lily's POV

Great..he had seen me.. should I run? Should I stay?

Dantes POV

I walked over to her and she seemed to be blushing? It was pretty cute, so I had asked her what happened she explained everything and after 5-10 minutes I kissed her to say sorry for what had happened and she kissed back, it soon turned into a make out and she teleported us to my house and we continued.

Lily's POV

Oh god.oh god. Im actually making out with him. ahhhhh!! Anyways he had started kissing my neck and found the right spot and just abused it and kissed it which had made me moan but I covered my mouth which made him chuckle,

What has this turned into? They just met?! Oh well, anyways I'm going to cut it there, just because it was a long chapter and I hope you guys have a nice night/day~

Edit: yes I did cut that last bit out- sorry, not sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2020 ⏰

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