Your POV( ps your a EraserMic child) Damn being late on the first day not good. If your wondering why I'm late it's because, a villain break out at the train station. So I took my phone out and called my father ( Aizawa ) Hello Hi dad Y/n your late along with some other students I know it a- Villain break out, yes I know. Just try to hurry up Ok love you Love you too dear
"Damn it why now I'm already late for school" a voice from behind said. I turned around to see a boy about the same height as me. He had ash blonde spiky hair. With faded-ish green tips. His eyes were also green. He also had a UA uniform on. "Hey you go to UA too" I said to get his attention. He looked back over at me And nodded. " hey now that I see you kinda look like ground zero and deku" I said in realization. He started to look kinda nervous. " well that because I'm there kid, you know Hiro Bakugo" he spoke nervously while rubbing his neck. " that so amazing. I'm Y/n Aizawa daughter of Eraserhead and PresentMic." " cool so I guess you gonna be late to school to" I looked at my watch and realized we were at least 15 minutes late to class. " don't worry we'll be late buddies for now on. Don't worry my dad will understand"
Hastu His POV " hey Hastu your leaving out now, what's the rush" my dad( midoriya) said. I turned around and looked at him. He was in his hero suit. I guess he has a mission today. " yeah I'm just trying to be early dad. I want to do my best so being early is a start" I said almost excitedly. He nodded but pulled my bag and pulled me in to a hug.he let me go and push me towards the door. I laughed and walked out.
Your POV Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit I soooooo gonna be late. I mean I'm wear roller skates so I should be there a bit on time. . . . I'm going to fast. I gotta stop I gotta stop I gotta stop. " hey green head watch out"
My pov( sorry I switch POV a lot) The h/c girl went right in to the boy. He only made it to his front his lawn to practically get tackled down. Books, paper, pens and pencils flew everywhere. Both teens scattered to get their stuff. The last thing was a ChargeBolt notebook.
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The boy grabbed it and smirked. " I believe this is mine" he said leaving a cocky smile on his face. " no it's not. Haha, it was my dads he gave it to me. He said he hopes I can use better than he did." He looked confused and tilted his head to the side. " your dad is ChargeBolt and Cellophane" he asked. Y/n nodded and got up while also slipping/ gliding. The boy was quick to grab her. " thanks ummm I'm sorry I never got your name, I'm Y/n kaminari" She said while holding her hand out. The boy grabbed her hand and shook it. " Hastu Bakugo" he replied. A few seconds later y/n realized she was still running late she was quick to grab her note book and started skating away. " hey were are you going school doesn't start till like half and hour." He yelled/ said while running after her. She stopped skating and facepalmed herself. " don't worry that wasnt the must dumb thing you just did."He said while laughing. " and what do you mean by that" she said kinda offended. Y/n was always told that cause one of her dads were basically an idiot when he went to Yueei. That she was going to be an idiot. " no I didn't mean to be mean, I meant you are wearing your school skirt backwards" he quickly said. Y/n looked down to see the zipper in the front instead of the back. With a huge blush on her face she quickly turned her skirt to face the right way. " your gonna make my school year one of my best. You that right y/n"
Sonic( my precious Iida child) Sonic POV Because of dad I'm really early. Was he always the first one in class. Damn this fucking sucks. Haha dad would be so mad if he heard me cussing. . . . . . . What the hell is that. It looks like a sleeping bag. Has that always been sitting there. I get up and walk over to the yellow sleeping bag. I then was about to poke it before " touch me and I'll kill you" I feminists sleepy voice said. " ummmmmm" The girl pulled the bag from Over her head. She had h/l h/c ( which I'm this case has to be either black, blonde, brown hair). " umm hi Im Onsoku Iida" I said nervously. She looked at me and squinted he eyes then closed them. " y/n Yamada, now let me sleep"
Sorry I'm at School trying to do this so bare with me