"Who are you and were is the cat?"  The boy asked tear.

"I'm the cat....master" tear said in a small voice.

'Oh god...why must she use the word master!' I thought, it took all of my strength not to go and kill him then and there.

"Oh...what's your name?" He asked.

'Is she going to say her old name for teardrop? I don't even know her old name...' I thought

"Jasmine my name is jasmine" tear said.

"Oh well my name is Kyle" he said.

"Master?" Tear asked.

"Y-yea?" Kyle said. I could see him getting hard and I guess tear could to because she went up to him and smiled.

"Dose master have a 'problem' that I need to fix?" Tear purred.

'Tear what are you doing? Are you going to....oh god please no!' I thought desperately.

"Yes" Kyle said. Tear started to rub the bulge in his pants and Kyle moaned. I had to keep telling myslef that Kyle was just a victim nothing else.

"Is master happy?" Tear asked while purring. Kyle nodded. Tear smiled and grabbed her combat knife. She cut Kyle right arm. And Kyle cried out in pain, tears formed in his eyes. Tear cut his left arm and then the tears spilled from his eyes.

"Shhh don't cry I'm here" tear said.

"W-why?" Kyle asked. Tears eyes hardened.

"Because its who I am" tear said.

"Mom, dad I'm sorry!" Kyle cried.

"Ha! Like they care! My parents never did!" Tear said.

"They do care!" Kyle yelled. I watched in awe to shocked to move.

"Don't cry" tear said, it sounded like she was telling her self that more than Kyle. She stabbed the knife threw Kyle's throat and wrote don't cry on the walls.

I stepped out of the shadows and saw tear holding her head.
Tears POV

'Killer freak' the voice named Sam said.

'Shut up' I thought and held my head.

'It's true' Sam said.

"Go away" I said aloud, I noticed jeff and smiled weakly at him.

"You ok?" Jeff asked. I nodded, I cleaned off the blood from my knife and walked out.

"What house?" I asked.

"I don't wanna kill right now" jeff said.

"Ok" I said and smiled at him.

'You should never smile' Sam said. I frowned.

"Why don't you smile?" Jeff asked. I sighed. And was about to tell him when Sam said.

'Tell him and I will kill you'

"Oh just thinking of some stuff" I lied.

"Ok" jeff said.

'You should die' Sam said. I nodded my head slightly.

"Jasmine?" Jeff said.

"What about the name?" I asked.

"Is your real name jasmine?" He asked. I nodded.

"My name was Jasmine ruby locket" I said.

"That's a nice name" jeff said.

"Tell anyone and ill kill you....with a spoon" I threatened. Jeff smirked.

"And how are you going to do that?" He sneered.

"By sharpening it" I said. Jeff nodded.

'I wanna play' Sam said.

"No" I said to sam.

"No what?" Jeff asked. I saw the mansion and ran to it and into our room. I locked the door and went to my side of the bed. I took out my raiser blade and rolled but my sleeve, reviling tons of other cuts.

'Cut freak into your arm' Sam said. I nodded and started to cut freak.

F. R. E. A. I only got to A in freak when I heard the window open. Great! There was a bloodly mess from my wrist and someone just came in!

"Tear? Why did you lock the door?" I heard jeff say.

"No reason" I said. Jeff walked closer and saw the blood on the ground.

"What happened?!" Jeff said shocked.

'Tell him freak' Sam said. I showed him my wrist and he looked me with tears in his eyes.

"Why?" Jeff asked.
Otay another chapter! Yay well hope you enjoy! And I will have Angle have a sibling/friend/bestfriend but I want one of you to make some one! I will pick which one but please make a character! Any ways please comment/vote/follow!! And remember!

That girl (A jeff the killer love story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant