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When Rachel pulled up in front of the Puckerman house, Quinn grabbed her phone and her purse and headed out to the brunette's car.

"Hey." Quinn smiled as she got in the passenger seat. "Thanks for picking me up."

"No problem." Rachel responded. "Santana asked me to."

Quinn nodded.

Rachel waited for Quinn to buckle her seatbelt before driving away.

When they got to Santana's house, Quinn and Rachel got out of the car. They walked up to the front door and waited after they rang the doorbell.

"It's open!"

Rachel opened the door and led Quinn inside.

Quinn's eyes widened at the sight of the pink balloons and pink decorations everywhere.

The glee girls and Kurt greeted Quinn with hugs and smiles as they welcomed her inside.

"The presents are in the living room so we'll have to keep you out of there." Santana said. "But we can start with food in the dining room."

"Yeah, I hope you're hungry, Quinn." Brittany added.

"We s-sort of w-w-went a little o-overboard." Tina stuttered.

"You guys didn't have to get me presents." Quinn told them. "You didn't have to do any of this."

"Well, this is the first glee baby." Rachel pointed out with a shrug. "We had to celebrate."

"And hopefully the last until we're all out of high school." Kurt added with a teasing smile.

Quinn smiled back, nodding in agreement.

"Let's go sit down inside and eat." Mercedes said. "There's games, too."

"Games?" Quinn raised her eyebrow.

"They're fun." Rachel promised. "Come on."

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