☼ eleven ☼

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Archie walked around the corner of behind the school and was about to follow the path that led to the back building but was stopped when he saw Jughead and two other boys. Jughead was spray painting the schools wall his beanie was gone, one of the guys who was much taller than Jughead was twirling a knife around, the other one was rambling about something angrily.

The guy quickly stopped rambling and turned his head quickly once he saw Archie. "There he is." Archie heard him say.

Jughead stopped spray painting and looked over at Archie and gave him a death stare. If Jughead would have looked at Archie like that a couple weeks ago Archie probably would've cried but now he didn't care.

"Andrews get your fucking ass over here." The tall guy said.

Archie realized they probably found out it was him that did the damage. He sighed and dropped his bag and walked over.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" The guy who was rambling said getting up. Archie noticed that on the back of his jacket the name, "Clint", was embedded into it.

"Nothing today. I'm actually pretty happy." Archie replied. "Seems like there's something wrong with you though."

Clint lurched at Archie but the tall guy put his hand in front of him to stop him.

He looked at Archie in the eyes. "Maybe this will ring a bell. My names Ridge. Ridge Davis."

Archie was confused then it hit him. There was a journal that had a bunch of papers in it that he had burned.

"You burned my journal. Do you not realize what was in there? I had pictures in there. Pictures of my family whose dead, I had journal entries in there going back 5 years ago, I had memories in there and you took that all away from me." Ridge said raising his voice. Archie could almost feel the anger radiating off of him.

Archie felt terrible. He did this to despise Jughead and to let his anger out. He didn't even know what to say.

"Yah and that art that you spray painted over? I worked on that for months." Clint said getting close to Archie's face.

"I..I'm sorry..I didn't know that it meant that much to you guys." Archie looked over to Jughead hoping maybe he'd see something in me. Maybe just a flicker of compassion. But there wasn't. There was just pure anger.

"Yah well it's only right for us to punish you isn't it?" Ridge smirked and looked at Clint. "You know what to do."

Clint tackled Archie to the ground beating at him with his fists.

Clint was a heavyset so it was hard for Archie to push him away. With each punch Archie felt more blood on his face. He tried kicking him he tried everything but it just wasn't working. Clint grabbed Archie's hair and hit his head against the ground hard. He then ripped at Archie's shirt, one of Archie's favorites until it ripped open. Clint got up and started kicking Archie in the stomach. Archie's face was in so much pain his eye was swollen and he could barely see and all he tasted was blood.

Jughead passed the spray paint bottle to ridge who ordered Clint to hold Archie down. Ridge dropped his knife and started covering Archie with spray paint.

Archie was weak. He couldn't do anything. The blood was dripping down his face. He felt so weak. He was in so much pain.

dear juggie ☼ jarchieWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu