A desk full of paperwork. Lucifer x reader

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After a tiring day of classes, you were heading to the exit. But suddenly Lord Diavolo appeared with a pile of paperwork. 

-"Ah (y/n) so good to see you. Would you do me the favor of giving this paperwork to Lucifer? He just went back to the House of Lamentations a few minutes ago and I wasn't able to give them to him..." He said with his usual smile.

-"Of course Lord Diavolo, I was just heading there, myself," I said sighing since a favor asked by Lord Diavolo can't be denied. 

-" Thank you so much Y/N, I promise that I will make it up to you!! " He said with arms wide opened, now free of papers and a smile on his face.

-"It okay Lord Diavolo, I should better get going."

-------------Time Skip--------------------

Standing outsides Lucifer's door with a bunch of paperwork I had to use my feet to knock.

-"Lucifer it's me Y/N, can you open the door, please? I got a pile of work from Lord Diavolo"
At first, the sound of a pen writing was heard,  followed by some footsteps and finally, the sound of the doorknob being twisted.
-"Come in. You can leave the papers on the desk" groaned Lucifer. With that, he steps aside from the door to let me in as he heads to a desk full of paperwork. I head to the only available place there was unoccupied with paper and placed the pile.
-"Thanks, Y/N you can go now"
-"But don't you need any help? It seems that you have too much paperwork!!"
-"I am perfectly able to do all the paperwork, so would you mind leaving me alone?" He says as he pushed me to the door.

-"Have a good day Y/N." and with that, he closed the door on my face.

----------Time skip to dinner time (cause I don't know what to write)-------

 I was finishing my homework when there was a knock on my door. 

-"Y/N, dinner is ready," said Satan who was in the doorframe. 

-"I'll be there in a second, just let me find my shoes. Now, where the hell are they?" I said as I got up from my desk and started to look for them.

-"You should hurry or else Beel will eat your dinner. By the way, try by your closet" he said while smiling and pointing towards the closet.

-"Oh right, thanks ."

 With that Satan left. I put on my shoes and tied up my shoelaces then I took my cellphone and headed to the dining room. Six of the seventh brothers were already eating,  and I sat between Mammon and Levi. 

-"Hey guys, where is Lucifer? "

-"He must be in his room. We haven't seen him since the morning," said Satan.

-"But what about his food? Has he eaten something? He might be hungry" I said.

-"Lool, he has done that several times. Dead we'll be if to his room we go" said Levi

-"Uhm....maybe we could do something?"

-"Just leave it Y/N. You should better worry about your own food," said Belphie.
I wonder why it doesn't concern any of the other brothers...
-"Hey Y/N...Y/N !! Pass me the salt! Yeesh, are you deaf ?"

-"Oh, sorry Mammon. Here you go."
With my head full of concern I finished my food and took a plate full of the food and a glass of demon punch(it's not dangerous to humans and it tastes like fruit punch).
-"Y/N, reconsider your actions. This might end badly for you. It's practically suicidal to go and disturb Lucifer even if it is for food." Said Satan
-"Yeah, you wouldn't like to hurt that pretty face of yours," said Asmo.
-"Well I gotta try"
-"Loool, the normie wants to commit suicide," said Levi while he typed it to his phone.

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