Chapter 50- His Cuteness

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He'd stare at me for hours and I'd get annoyed at him.

And that is our everyday routine.

So right now.

I decided to take Rose shopping for baby clothes. Yeah, excited aunt here btw.

Currently, Rose is living with Jimin because of their situation

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Currently, Rose is living with Jimin because of their situation.

My parents allowed Rose because Jimin already proposed and actually 3 months from now. They'd be married so Mom and Dad agreed provided we'd get to see Rose everyday.

Jimin's parents are so loving of Rose that sometimes they'd side with Rose more than Jimin. It's actually really funny.

So OUR FAMILY became alot bigger.
With the addition of Jimin and his family.

Back to the matter at hand, Rose and I were buying clothes when suddenly, my phone rang....

It's HIM..... again! Arghhhhhhh.

My KooKoo calling...

Jk: Babe? Where are you? You're not in your office. Where'd you run off to at this time ?

You could sense the pout the guy on the other line is doing.

Lisa: Kookoo, I'm with Rose. We're at the mall. I accompanied her to buy baby clothes. And why are you at the office again? Don't you have a lot of work Koo?

Yeah, JEON just got scolded by me. Big-time!

Jk: I finished it early so that I could spend time with you. You're always with her. Why can't you spend time with your husband?

Jungkook sent a photo.

Ok. He's definitely pouting and whining right now. I wonder what his employees think of him when they see him this way?

Lisa: (laugh) Aww, does my Kookoo miss me that much? I don't always spend time with Rose Koo. This is the only time this week that I get to see her. And she lives far away so I miss my sister that much. Don't be jealous of her Koo!

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