"Mistress." I jump and spin at the sound of a familiar voice. Placing a hand on my chest, "shit" I wheeze out " don't do that! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" I snap. My heart racing at the unexpected intrusion. "I would not worry mistress, as a heart attack would not kill you" he drawls amused. Rolling my eyes I huff. "Yeah, thank you for the reminder." Crossing my arms I stare at death. "So... not that your not welcome, but what are you doing here? I haven't seen you since I left? Wait, is Sirius okay?" I rush the last bit out.

"Sirius is fine mistress. I only came to see how you were doing. I haven't been able to come check on you, due to some issues in my own realm" he floats towards me, towering over my form slightly. I watch him eye his creations on my bed for a few second before getting tired of the silence. "Well, if you can count being strangled and having your neck snapped fine, then I'm great. Wonderful actually" I drawl sarcastically.

Death hisses and the room darkens. "Who dares attempt to kill my mistress" he roars and I take a step back at the amount of powerful in the air. Death must of noticed this because he takes a deep breathe and reins himself in. "I'm sorry mistress, I did not mean to frighten you. I just do not appreciate someone trying to harm you." I smile slightly, aw he's like an over protective brother. "It's all good, and you don't have to worry, I took care of it." I smirk, and see deaths lips curve slightly in the shadows, under his hood.

"I do not doubt you." He nods his head. "How about school? I notice you seem happier since the last time we talked" I walk over and sit on my bed. "School is fine." I roll my eyes. "I made a friend. Her name is Rebekah, she also an
Original vampire." Death laughs and I frown, what's so funny? "Ah yes, I thought you might. The Mikaelson are one of my favourite creations." My jaw drops in shock. "You created the Originals?" I gasp and Death nods. Holy shit. I probably should guessed it really. I can't imagine how much death a thousand-year-old vampire can cause.

"I created the spell that created them. But yes, they are my children. I have watched over them for over a thousand years." I sit with my mouth open, unable to come up with words. "W-what, this is crazy! No, actually your crazy! you knew I would meet them didn't you? That's why you send me here" I stand and start to pace.

"I sent you here because you needed it. You were not healing, it was time to move on. Yes I hoped that you might have run into one of them, and I thought that they needed someone like you. Mistress you would be good for that family. Like I see you already have been." Yeah right, the only one that I actually like is Rebekah and I'm sure the feeling is mutual." I sigh, looking over to death, his face blank.

"I know, I'm just ranting! And I highly doubt it, the men in that family are so bloody arrogant! And don't get me started on their mother!" I hiss.

"I know what's been going on. I also knew that you would handle it perfectly, just like you do with everything else." He says rising from his chair. "Not everything" I mutter, my heart breaking a little bit. I couldn't handle Tom. Although I did defeat him. It wasn't until after he took everything away from me. "Do not let dark thoughts evade your mind mistress. You should leave the past behind now. This is a new world, a new chance". I sigh knowing he's right. I take a moment and push the dark thoughts to the back of my mind. "Your right, thank you." I run my fingers through my hair and groan.

"I won't lie, I have laughed more this week then I have for a long time. But I do have some worries." Death waves his hand for me to continue. "Well, I've been losing my temper a lot lately and very quickly. I feel that I have a lot of darkness in me and my magic has become wild, almost as if it's trying to wrap it's self around anything it can get its essence onto". I look worriedly over to death and he sighs.

"Death will have an effect on you if you keep dying. The more you die the more darkness you'll feel. Just try to avoid it. And It's not you or your magic going wild. It's the hallows. When you collected all three of them, you always kept them separate. That is what the problem is. You need to become one with the hallows. It's the only way you will be able to be in complete control over your magic." death floats over to my bed and asks me to go revive the resurrection stone. I quickly summon it and place it next to the other two hallows.

"Oh great, I guess I'll try not to die anymore." I huff. "And how exactly do I become one with them? Isn't it a bit risky to carry all three of them at the same time?" I ask. He doesn't answer for a moment and I go to speak again but stop when my eyes land on the glowing items. I watch in fascination as they lift of the bed and circle around each other. I wince and cover my eyes as the glow blinds me. "Bloody hell" I hiss. I rub my eyes for a few second then try to open them again. The glow is gone and I gasp In shock. The hallows are gone and sitting in its place is a silver and green banded ring, with a black diamond hallows sign sitting in its crest.

"It's beautiful" I stare in awe. Death waves his hand and the ring floats up and towards me. I open my hand so that it can land in my palm. "This ring is the most powerful magical artefact in many worlds. You will be able to access your magic much easier and you will not need to use a wand ever again. Although you can still summon it to you, if you needed it. As for the invisibility, all you have to do is want, and it will be yours. The same goes for the resurrection stone".

I wrap my fingers around the ring and sigh as I feel the magic run through my veins. It feels amazing. Like I can do anything in the world. It's a good thing I got my hands on this before Tom did, or anyone who was planning on destroying the world, would succeed and I would of been dead along with everyone else. I know I'm the only person alive I can trust with this, and to not to take advantage of it.

I place the ring on my left hand and gasp as I'm lifted a few feet into air, whilst black smoke surrounds me. My back arches slightly and I whimper in pain as the black smoke infuses itself inside me. The pain only last for a second before i land on my feet as if nothing had happened. "What was that!?" I growl at death. Shakily running a hand through my hair.

"That was the magic accepting you and trying to place itself within your core. It was successful of course."

Wait... what? "You mean you didn't even know if it would work?!" I shriek. Death scowls and I huff. "Of course I knew it would work. You are my champion, my mistress! Fate choose you for a reason." God I hate fate. Stupid stupid entity. "Yeah well you could of let me know." I mutter, not taking my eyes of the ring. "It feels powerful. It's like nothing I've ever felt before. Even the elder wand doesn't give me this feeling" I shiver in delight, loving the way the magic flows through me.

"That's because the three have infused itself inside of you. The ring is to keep them together. I also know you can loose things and become reckless sometimes, so I've taken precautions. No one will be able to remove the ring but yourself. It will always find it's way back to you." I look over to him with a raised eyebrow. "I am not reckless. Although it's good idea, I can be trusted to look after this!" I stomp my foot a little and death shakes his head. "Don't stomp like a child Lilith" he drawls sternly and I scowl. He freezes for a second before looking over to me.

"I must go mistress, I am being summon to my realm. I will visit soon. I have also need to borrow Robby for a while. He will return as soon as he can. Do try to play nice with the Mikaelsons. I really do not want to loose any of my children to your madness so soon." He smirks then disappears in a cloud of black smoke. I huff and shake my head. "I'm not the one who need to play nice" I mutter.

"Okay then" i say, staring at my new ring. "Let's see how this baby works"


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