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Dear Urban Wattpad Writers,

I appreciate Y'all more than Y'all know. When I first got wattpad, all I read was "The bad boy and his nerd" and "My jock and I", the basic white people's books. But once I found the urban wattapd community, and I found Y'all writing, I was immediately hooked. But, you'd think I'd find some originality along my urban book reading. But nope, I have not found one original book. There are a couple common themes that you all seem to be stuck on and they are :

1. The character with the sexual abuse backstories

I know that many people get raped and molested in this world that's driven by sex and lust, but when I come to wattpad, I'm looking for an escape from the tragedy that is my life. But I can't do that because every female character has some overly brutal history. I read this one book where a girl was raped repeatedly by her stepfather and the writer put all the little details in there, which made it worse. I've read books where the girl is raped by her perverted uncle, her drunken father, and even her mother's side piece. My question is, why do writers feel the need to implement this specific backstory? Why? I know that it happens in real life, and it's a real life thing that happens to little girls every day ... but I don't enjoy reading a book, getting into it, then getting to the chapter where you learn about the character's childhood only to read a flashback to when she was sexually abused by her dad. Like at least warn us, or maybe ... just maybe make her tragic past a little less sexual? I don't know how to explain the changes you have to make but yeah.

2. The Extreme Poverty and Neglect

Again, I know that many people don't have parents, stable homes, and love from their family, but why is this such a common theme? Like I know some wattpad writers and readers have difficult lives with family, money, etc but I don't. I have both my mom and dad around, and even though they aren't together, i still have great relationships with both of them. My parents are the most important people in the world to me, and not only are they my parents but they're my friends. Also, my mom doesn't have the most money but she can afford to spoil me sometimes, pay rent and the electric bill, her phone bill, and other little things and the same goes for my dad that doesn't live with us anymore but who pays my phone bill and lends me advice whenever I need it. I have step-siblings and they're all younger than me, and I have an okay relationship with them even though I don't see them much. But in urban wattpad books, it's the opposite. Everybody got a crackhead mama, absent father, evil step siblings, clothes with holes in em, and rough condition at home and it's like .... why can't there be a character with married parents, a nice house, a cool little brother, and nice clothes ?

3. The same character over and over

There was a time where light skins were being glorified in schools, on social media, and in wattpad books. There was a light skin main character in almost every book. But today, it's the complete opposite. Every character has deep dark skin and exotic features like grey/green/blue eyes, loosely curled long hair, and pointy/button noses. Y'all know damn well that those color eyes are rare in themselves let alone on a black person, a good majority of black girls have tighter curls, and pointy noses are a european thing. Where are all my normal everyday girls? Why is every character dark skin out of nowhere? You're trying to go against colorism but what you're doing instead is only glorifying the black girls with European features. Where are the dark skin girls with brown eyes and short hair ?

So basically i want a book with a tall, light skin, bald headed girl with loving parents and brown eyes.

I said what i said, please @me.

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