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Dear Henry,
It seems like a lifetime since we worked on cartoons together.
15 years really slips away, doesn't it?
If you're back in town, come visit the old workshop.
Can you turn on the ink machine for me, to help out an old buddy?
Your best pal, JOEY DREW

Henry entered the Workshop, still thinking about the letter.
Ink Machine?! What Ink Machine?!
The Workshop was nothing like Henry remembered it.
It was super run down and Ink was leaking from pieces of the ceiling.
Walking down the narrow hallway at the entrance, Henry gazed at the posters taped sloppily to the walls.
Henry had grown up in the studio and it used to be his favourite place to be.
But now it had a bad vibe around it, like something sinister had happened in its walls.
Little did Henry know, it had.

Henry approached the running projector. It had no tape.
Henry switched it off and continued exploring.
He approached a sign.

Art Department- Left.
Ink Machine- Right.
Theater- Right.
Break Room- Right.

Following the directions, Henry eventually stumbled across a balcony.
It had a switch on it and overlooked a sizable hole in the floor.
"Gonna need some dry cells" He thought aloud.
When he found them, he pulled the switch.
"Let's see what you're hiding down there, old buddy".
Slowly but surely, What Henry guessed was the Ink Machine rose from the depths.
"No WONDER you were BROKE!! WHY would you need such a huge printing press?? And why call it 'ink machine'" Henry screamed at the air.

Henry remembered reading the letters from Joey and his old Worker friends.
Always complaining.
Now he knew why.
And Joey had requested he turn this thing on!!
Henry searched for a while, but eventually found the right switch.
He heard a clunk from above him, then looked up just in time to get a big blob of Ink to the face.
"Charming" Henry spat.
As he shuffled his way back to the Machine, Henry found a door that caught his eye.
'The Bringing Of Our Lord' was slathered across it in pitch black Ink.
He opened it to find a record on a podium with a picture above it of a hand sewn bendy plush holding a crimson red heart.
'Beautiful In Black' The heart and Record read.
Henry picked up the record to examine it closer when he heard a deep growl from behind him.
The Workshop was run down, sure, but did STRAY ANIMALS live here?!?!
Henry turned around and got his answer.
'Nope, Ink Demons!'
'Shut up, brain' Henry thought.
"Heeeeeeeeey, buddy!" Henry blurted out.
Bendy gave a roar and tackled him. But his touch felt a little gentle.
Henry still yelled out in surprise, but it felt odd.

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