Four: dysfuntional friends with memes

379 16 14

Hopes peak academy
4:15 PM

Bballcherrysnowcone69: what's up guys, thanks for that good vibe chain this morning-

Bballcherrysnowcone69: the game just ended, we sMOkeD them frfr-

Doughnut_loving_swimmer: oh Leon that's awesome!! We knew you could do it-

Altered_ego: oh that's so awesome! We knew you would win!!

Biker_with_dogs17: awe hell yeah dude that's awesome!! Me and taka watched the rest of the game on tv as soon as we got home from hopes peak you did fucking stellar

Stage_sensation: awe wait I didn't realize it was on tv, I would have tried to watch some of it

Bballcherrysnowcone69: yeah, my uncle is a director at TAT TV so I'm on there a lot-

Doughnut_loving_swimmer: wow, luckyyyy XD the swim team hardly ever gets on tv😔

Bballcherrysnowcone69: pffft that's ridiculous! You guys are greatttt-

Biker_with_dogs17: you home yet?

Bballcherrysnowcone69: yeah just took a shower, I'm telling you long hair while playing baseballs a pain in the ass-

Doughnut_loving_swimmer: oh wow they let you bend rules like that? I thought everyone had to shave their head

Bballcherrysnowcone69: they do, but I raised so much hell about it they let me play with my hair-

Biker_with_dogs17: you get so many special privileges it's insane-

Bballcherrysnowcone69: 🤠🤙

SHSLweedman: glad to see you're back Leon!


Bballcherrysnowcone69; hiro what the ever loving fuck??

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Bballcherrysnowcone69; hiro what the ever loving fuck??

Doughnut_loving_swimmer: hiro I just screeched in front of my whole swim team what the heck💀💀

Bballcherrysnowcone69: wHere the hell dId yoU comE frOm?-

Biker_with_dogs17: what

Typing...//danganronpa fanfic//group chat AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin