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In the character sketch, I wrote Myra as past love interest of Rudra, let me clarify she is not the same character or person as shown in show in this ff, she is somebody else that will be clarified as the chapters goes.


A city is shown as the curtain moves upward. It is the city of Mumbai, a city of dreams, where like everyday many people come in order to chase  their dreams but only few are able to achieve this.

A city which going to see the start of a new chapter to the story that was abandoned ten years ago. this time the story will only be stop till it got complete but it has to seen will it be a happy ending or a sad one.

From here the camera zooms to  a certain location where certain black car moving toward a lake.
That car stops near it. and a girl wearing full white clothing comes out from the car chanting a shloka- a Geeta's shloka..
" vasamsi jirnani yatha vihay
navani grhnati naro 'parani
tatha sarirani vihaya jirnany
anyani samyati navani dehi

Jaise vastra purane hone par manushya uska tyag karta hai, vaise hi sharir purana hone par aatma naya sharir dharan karti hai".

That girl walks into the lake and her white clothing that was on her gets dirtied just like a white lotus if one not careful then the flower is covered by the mud in which it grows. That girl came out from that lake her face can't be seen clearly as that is now fully covered from the mud but few words could be heard clearly from her lips- I am back...did you missed me? and though her face can't be seen, in her eyes the pain, love, longing, but most importantly determination and the power to destroy those who destroyed her.

In an another location a man could be seen practicising fencing but it can seen while he is here his thoughts are miles away in his past.. in her memories..and there is only one word is repeating in his his mind like a god's name Myra....

Phoenix- saga of hate born from ashes of love (Mayra ss)Where stories live. Discover now