Herbalist (Dean Winchester)

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Request: Hi, what about a dean x reader story where the reader is a local herbalist and has a shop where she sells all kind of teas, herbs and spices and sam and dean come to her quite often to get things to solve their case and dean is always flirting with her. Requested by anon.

You came from a bloodline of witches, the good kind. Your great grandma practiced magic and it was what killed her while helping the men of letters.

Your grandma decided to break the circle and opened a small herbs shop. She specialized in making remedies and cures and passed on her recipes to you, since your mother died when you were very little.

After her death, you took over the shop and met the Winchester brothers. They were the only ones that come to the shop and buy the weirdest combinations of herbs. Herbs that nobody buys and some stuff that not even a lot of people know about.

At first, you thought they were some weirdos. Then, you suspected that they were either in a cult or some of these people that pretend to be witches and do fake spells. But with time you realized they were hunters.

After all, Dean would always come in, flirt with you, get the stuff he needs and poof he's gone. He'd come every two weeks or so, sometimes alone, other times with his brother Sam.

When they're together, they'd be muttering about the stuff they need, a plan or something related to hunting.

"Mornin'" Dean greeted with a wink.

"What can I get you this time, Mr. Winchester?" You smiled at him

"Please, call me Dean! We're practically friends, aren't we?".

"I wouldn't say that. More like regular customer that always buys weird ingredients that nobody ever asks for. I certainly will remember you".

"You hurt my feelings, sweetheart. I thought we were becoming more. I thought our friendship would develop into something more, like dating, but if you'll always remember me, that'll make up for it. I will not forget you Miss Y/l/n. As I come to think about you, you've never told me your first name".

"And for a good reason".

He chuckled and went to gather the ingredients. After fifteen minutes he was done. This was a quick one. Sometimes, they'd take an hour until they get tired and ask you. Usually, Sam would be the one searching and Dean would pace around the shop, just looking at you and pretending to be searching for the ingredients.

"Alright, so I'm gonna be straight with you this time. Do you wanna go out for a drink later tonight?" He asked you out.

"Hmm.. if you answer my question".

"Sure. Shoot".

"What do you do for a living, Mr. Winchester?".

"Ooh, I never thought you'd be a materialistic woman".

"I'm not".

"I'm a mechanic" he lied.

"Really? You work alone?".

"Yeah, I have my own garage".

"So if I were to ask for your address, you'd give it to me?".

"Are you a stalker, Miss Y/l/n?".

"Do I look like one?".

"Nope, but if you were, you'd be the hottest stalker I've had".

"Are you a hunter, Dean?" You cut to the chase.

"Do I look like one?".

"Maybe. Probably. The flannel and the boots".

"Who doesn't enjoy a good hunt?" You suspected that you might be talking about hunting monsters, but was more certain that you're talking about animals.

"Are you the good kind or the bad kind of hunter?".

"Sorry, I don't get what you're trying to say. Can you elaborate?".

"I mean do you kill all kinds of species or just the bad ones from each species?".

"Depends, I guess".

"So, let's say, hypothetically, that I'm a witch. Would you kill me?".

"Ah! So we're talking about witch hunters".

"Not just witches. Vampires. Werewolves.Every other creature that exists that isn't human".

"Huh. How long have you known for?" He realized that you knew the truth.

"A while".


"The ingredients, genius. I mean, I admit I thought you were in a cult at the beginning, but cults don't get all these ingredients. I researched some of them and each time it's used for a different creature. So...".

"Does that mean you're interested?".

"I was curious about your work, yes. You still haven't answered my question".

"To be honest with you, in the past, it was shoot first, ask questions later. But now, after experience and working with some, we kill only the bad. So, back to my question, you wanna go out later?".

"I told you if you answered my question but you did not".

"I did".

"I had to get it out of you. You lied to me".

"Am I supposed to just tell strangers what I really do for a living".

"Ouch! I thought we were friends" you grinned.

"Uh- I- you said I'm just your regular customer" he chuckled.

"Yeah. But you said we're friends. So it depends on whose point of view you're looking at it from".

"Uh! You got me there. I guess I'll see you around in a few days" he paid and was about to leave.

"Come back tomorrow. I have another question".

"A second chance? I'll be here" he winked.

"Oh, and the name's Y/n" you finally told him your name.

He stopped for a second, smiled and then left, looking forward to see you tomorrow.

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