Questions and Hard to come to

Start from the beginning

It upset him that she had said it but he knew she was right... he knew it at the back of his mind... it was better to found out like that then somewhere in the castle as a baby which he didn't want and so sighed and went to get up but stopped when he noticed he needed a change.

So he called a house elf to get him while he waited he just asked "are you sure that I can't wipe their memories?" only to have her look at him like he was stupid and said "no Severus you may not do that and if I find out you did I will make sure to punish you whether you are an adult or a baby" and she went back to her the after she had cleaned up the mess that he made in his anger.

Harry came through the door and sighed "I've been looking everywhere for you, I didn't think you would be with the headmistress" he said sitting down in front of her.

"So what are you complaining about anyway?" he asked but all Severus said was "nothing concerning you" and he went to get up but quickly sat back down making a squish noise.

"Damn it!!" he threw his head back against the chair and swore under his breath he hates this more than anything, he used to be a spy for both the light and dark and now this!! Merlin he hates his life.

He didn't even notice that Minerva had left the room so then Harry could get Severus cleaned up, he only looked down when he felt a hand on his knee, Harry had a sad smile on his face

Harry knew that having everyone find out about you classification like that would be hard on the person after hiding it for so many years, it must of taken it till on him hence why he was a baby the whole weekend until a few hours ago.

He wondered what he could do for the man but nothing came to mind unless you count the Ministry and the student parents getting involved, he couldn't help the poor man with this all he could do was give him some sort of comfort.

Severus just sighed and laid down so then Harry could clean him up, within seconds it was done but now it felt like it had taken years. Once it was done he got up and slowly walked out of the room and headed back to his quarters for the night, thank Merlin he had finished his lesson plans before this all happened otherwise he would have to do them.

Harry stayed in the office and waited for Minerva to come back in which she did a few minutes after Severus had left. "So I have a feeling he came here to get permission to use a potion on the students?" he asked making Minerva sigh and nod her head.

"I told him he can't and if he does both the Ministry and the parents will be involved plus I also said that I would punish him whether he is an adult or a baby I wouldn't care".

This made Harry laugh and he nodded that he was thankful to her to talk some sense into him while he couldn't beside comfort him and so he headed back to the quarters only to see that Severus had the fire whisky out and was drinking.

He took the alcohol off him an put it back where it came from and turned round. "What in Merlin's name are you doing trying to get drunk!!" he yelled making Mitzi come into the room rubbing her hands on her clothes.

"Severus answer me!" said Harry to him but he said nothing and ignore him only to have Mitzi come over to him and slap him across this face hard!!

"What did you do that for Mitzi? A house elf hitting their master is unspeakable" said Severus to the small elfin front of him.

"You idiot!!! No alcohol drink! IDIOT!!" with that she disappeared away from him. Harry came over to inspect the damage and when he aw the mark on his face he sighed towards the man only for said man to sigh.

"That is the first time in a long while that she's hit me like this" said Severus to Harry who was no sitting next to him on the sofa.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked only for Severus to reply with "when I'm an idiot, when I let my emotions get the better of me.... the alcohol mainly she hates when I drink when I have no excuse for it like now" and he led his head against the sofas back and sighed.

Severus is a Little!!! ((PAUSED FOR THE TIME BEING))Where stories live. Discover now