Chapter 1

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A 4 year old boy named Izuku Midoriya and his mother Inko Midoryia were on their way together to the hospital. Now there is nothing wrong with Izuku to go to the hospital, but just like every kid who reaches the age of 4 in this world they go to the hospital and get a x-ray scan on their body to see if they have a chance to develop a superpower or as they call it in their world "quirks". Sadly not everyone in the world develops one about 20% of the Earth's population is what you would call "quirkless" meaning you don't have a superpower.

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! What quirk do you think i will have?" Izuku says with a very happy smile on his face.

"We don't know honey maybe a combination quirk between mine and your fathers quirk. For me i can levitate things and myself slightly off the ground, your father can breath fire." Inko Midoriya says to her excited son.

"I hope it's a strong quirk so I can become a great hero like ALL MIGHT!" Izuku says while punching his fist in the air like All Might.

"I hope so to son."

----Time jump-----

About a hour pass by and the Midoriya family was waiting in the doctors room after Izuku got his X-Ray scan.

"Hmm Mrs. Midoriya." The doctor says while flipping papers.

"Yes Dr?" Inko stand up from her chair while her heart is racing a mile a minute, wondering what "quirk" her son will have.

"Well it seems that your kid will have a quirk." The Dr says.

*phew* Inko lets out a huge sigh of relief knowing that at the very least her son won't be quirkless.

"That is such great news to hear." Inko says. 

"What mommy,what mommy! What quirk will i have?" Izuku says practically jumping around the room.

"Your son will have a mix of your's and your husband's quirks  Mrs. Midoriya." Dr says.

"Really?" Inko ask.

"Yes but for a strange reason the quirk isn't going to develop like other kids." Dr says.

"What do you mean by develop."

"Trauma. I mean your son needs to have trauma in his life to first activate his quirk that is the only way he can achieve his powers." Dr says flipping papers still.

"Trauma?! I'm not going to let my son go through trauma." Inko says worried.

"I'm sorry but that is the only way he will be able to get his quirk. Even if he doesn't show off a quirk he will defiantly still have one so he doesn't need to be  diagnosed quirkless."

"Mommy will i be a superhero?"

A shiver runs down Inko's spine knowing that in order for her son to become a hero he has to know pain and trauma.

"Yes honey you will be a superhero, you are able to have a quirk." Inko say to her son.

"YES! YES! YES! YES!YES!!!" Izuku starts cheering up and down finally knowing that he can be like his idol and role model plus hero ALL MIGHT.

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