Chapter 5

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Lauren's pov

It's lunch and camila is sat with my friends and I, Dinah Normani and ally. They're nice and I know they won't be idiots towards her, camila wasn't eating because she didn't have any lunch.

"Hey, lets go get some food" I say, she shook her head

"Not hungry" she said, I frown

"Did you have a big breakfast?" I ask, she hesitates but nods

"Also had snack" she said, I nod

"Okay, if you get hungry tell me" I say, she nods and I eat what I got as we talk, halfway through lunch camila leans her head on my shoulder. I smile wrapping an arm around her, she smiles putting her head in the crook of my neck and I pull her closer.

"Laur what do you have last?" Ally asked, she's new to the friendship group

"Art" I say, camila sighed and I giggle

"What?" I ask, she looks at me

"I hate art" she said, I frown

"But you're good at it" I say, she nods

"But the teacher never lets you draw what you want, it's always some stupid flower or something" she said, I giggle and nod.

"How about you draw what you want and not what she says" I say, she looks at me

"I'll get into trouble and my mamí y papí will not be happy" she said, I go wide eyed as she jumped into Spanish.

"I-I Spanish" I say, she giggles and nods

"Yeh I'm Cuban" she said, I nod

"I know...just wasn't expecting Spanish" I say, she giggles

"What is it a turn on?" She asked, I blush and she laughs

"Shut up" I mumble, she leans to my ear and whispers some Spanish

"Stop" I mumble, she laughs and I push her lightly, I see the fear come to her eyes

"I-Im sorry I-I d-didn't me-mean to make you a-angry" she said, I frown

"What, you didn't I'm messing around" I say, she takes a shaky deep breath and I look at the others

"Okay..." she mumbled, I pull her closer kissing her head

"I wouldn't hurt you, okay" I whisper, she nods softly and I make her look at me

"You okay?" I ask, she nods

Soon it's art and I sit next to camila, as she said we had to draw a rose I grab my pencil and draw something completely different.

"Lauren, I've told you mean of times that you can't draw what you want" she said, I look at her

"Well, I've told you meany of times I don't care, you're lessons are boring I don't want to draw a flower everyday" I say, she sighed and nods.

"Fine, everyone can draw whatever they like, it's going to be half your grade this year" she said, I look at camila and she kisses my cheek, I giggle and kiss her forehead.

After a while the bell goes, I pack up and look at camila. I hold my hand out and she smiles taking it, we walk to the doors and some people do say stuff but I tell her to ignore them.

"So, what you going to do?" I ask, she sighed shrugging

"I don't know, probably just...practice the guitar or piano" she said, I smile and look at her

"Can I come?" I ask, she looks at me and I see the panic

"M-My mom and dad won't let you, i-it's kind of a special night for them, I don't know what they just said that" she said, I nod with a soft smile.

"Okay, tell them I said happy special night" I say, she giggles and nods

"What you going to do?" She asked, I think

"Play video games, play basketball, probably wind up Chris and Taylor" I say, she giggles I stop she looks confused and I pick her up, she squeals but climbs onto my back.

"You okay monkey?" I ask, she nods and I run until we had to part ways, she left and I go do what I said I was going to.

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