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    My heart races as I slow my pace. To hide my fear, I smile sheepishly at the twenty-something group of males.

"Is everything okay?" asks one guy.

"I can't seem to find where I parked my car, and it's creepy down here. Would you mind staying with me until I find it?" I attempt to look as vulnerable as possible. Less to explain this way.

I'm not above playing the helpless-female card if it means I make it out of this garage alive. Priorities first, dignity will have to take a backseat.

They visibly relax with my response while exchanging knowing glances.

One guy raises an eyebrow at me as if he's not buying my helpless routine. I drop his gaze when he speaks. "No problem. I'm Chad, and this is Lee, Brad, and Greg." He points to each one in turn. 

Chad has a warm, friendly smile, and I like him instantly. Even when he continues to study openly study me. 

Each guy steps forward to shake my hand. I don't see such manors from most college-age men these days, but I like it. 

Chad and Greg make small-talk while we search for my car. After a couple of minutes, I learn that they attend college and play together in a band. The band performs at several bars near the university. Can't say I've seen them play, but I've heard of them.

"You should come hear us play. We're not half bad."

Chad does not lack in confidence. Each time I catch him watching me, he gives me a charming grin that makes no apologies for staring. I get the impression he's flirting with me.

"I will for sure. I live close to the university," I say.

"Can I have your number? I'd like to give you a call sometime," Chad asks. I've got to love college guys. They never waste time or opportunities.

Chad's undeniably attractive and quite charming, but I think he's a bit young for me. At twenty-six, I'm not interested in dating an undergrad. Even if he has a great smile, dimples, and dreamy brown eyes...hmmm.

Not. Happening. Sam.

Before I get into trouble, I let him down gently. "I'm seeing someone," I lie.

Lying is not something I do easily, but it has its place and time. It's part of the Girls' Handbook of Gentle Rejection. He doesn't need to know I might be too old for him, but unavailable will do nicely.

"My loss. Let me know if things change." He smiles and hands me a business card with the band's information on it.

I take the card and read it. Blue Luna is the band name. Their logo is a blue moon with the profile of a wolf in the middle. It's a cool design. I'm guessing Chad hands these out like candy.

Excited conversation erupts when we finally find my car. It's a red '67 Mustang. And it is beautiful. It originally belonged to my dad. He lovingly restored it when I was in high school. My mom would tease him and say that he loved this car more than her. Everyone knew that wasn't true, but she liked to give him a hard time. So now it's mine.

My parents have been gone for almost six years now. Driving Dad's car gives me the feeling that he's still close. Sometimes I think I get a whiff of his aftershave, but I know it can't be.

"You guys saved me tonight," I say, then blow a kiss as I drive away. They think I exagerate, but I think they really may have saved my life. At the very least, they spared me a few unwanted bruises, if Blue Eyes got his hands on me.

RED NIGHT ~ VAMPIRE FILES TRILOGY (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now