Chapter 6 - Lake-side Tumbles

Start from the beginning

"No thanks, I got it!" You replied with a smile.

"Do you think we got enough?" Sam asked, you looked at the piles he and Colby each had in their arms.

"Yeah, I think so!" You said.

"Great, let's head back." Colby stated as he turned back to where his friends were.

You went to follow behind Colby, but you couldn't really see where you were stepping, and sure enough your foot caught on a root sticking up from the ground. You went down hard, yelping out as you hit the ground. You felt the wood digging into your stomach through your thin t-shirt, which will definitely leave a few bruises and scratches.

"Shit! Y/N!" You heard Colby cursing. You hissed as you pushed yourself up into a sitting position.

"Hey! Are you alright?" You felt someone at your side, and you looked up to see Colby crouching down next to you.

"Fuck..." you swore as you saw a cut on your right knee, bleeding sluggishly. "I'm so fucking clumsy!"

"Shit! Y/N, your arm!" you met Colby's eyes briefly, seeing nothing but concern and worry there. You then looked back down at your arm, turning it to see a small gash on your forearm, also bleeding.

"Are you alright?!" Colby asked, before continuing "here, let me see!" You let him take your arm, his grasp gentle as he held your wrist and elbow as he inspected the cut.

"It'll need cleaning out and bandaging after we stop the bleeding." He commented.

"Are you okay to walk?" He asked as he stood, it was then you noticed Sam hovering over the two of you, also looking worried.

"I'm not sure, my leg's a little sore!"

"Here." Colby said, reaching out a hand to help you up. You grabbed it and he pulled you up slowly.

"Are you hurt anywhere else?" he asked as he helped you find your feet.

"I think my stomach's a little bruised from landing on the wood, but other than that and the cuts, no." You replied.

"Come on." He said as he wrapped an arm around your waist almost protectively, letting you loop your uninjured arm over his shoulder. "Let's get you back to the group, hopefully someone's got a first aid kit." He added.

"What about the wood?" You asked.

"Someone will come back for it." He replied.

You had a slight limp with your injured leg, but Colby supported you the whole back to his friends.

"Hey guys!" Colby shouted as you emerged from the trees, gaining the attention of his friends. "Anyone got a first aid kit?"

"Oh my god! What happened?" Katrina asked as she saw the cuts on my arm and leg.

"I took a bit of a tumble." You replied with an embarrassed laugh.

"Here, come sit down here!" Corey said as he jumped up out of the chair that he was sitting in.

Colby led you over and helped you lower down into the chair.

"Here." You looked up at the voice, seeing Kevin standing there, a first aid kit in his hand.

"Thanks dad!" You said, hearing chuckles coming from the small group, you noticed that they had gathered around curiously, but also keeping their distance as to not over-crowd you.

"Of course, I take care of all my children!" Kevin replied confidently, causing you to smile, more at the fact that they seemed to have quickly accepted you into their group.

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