|~|Villian!Hitoshi Shinso x Reader|~|

Beginne am Anfang

"You already know my quirk, so theirs no use in trying," he tilted his head mockingly, looking at the blade. "You got some guts."

"You killed all of those people, didn't you?" You snapped. "All of them?"

The boy rose an eyebrow before laughing. "You came to find me just for this? About those people?" He laughed louder, the edge making a shiver run down your spine from fear. "I may have helped, but they're not dead."

You huffed. "Then where are they!?"

"We went from my questions to yours?" He gave a bored sigh and placed his hands into his pant pockets. "How one-sided."

"Because you can control me if I answer yours!" You huffed. "I'm not stupid. I know who you are."

The boy gave an annoyed expression. "You're really annoying," he looked down and placed a hand on the back of his neck. "But I can't have a guest not be treated."

You furrowed your eyebrows. "What? Treated? What are you walking about?"

The boy looked at you coldly, your body turning cold. "Well," he put his arm down and smirked. "First, we should welcome our guests."


The boy chuckled. "I thought you knew my quirk,"

You gasped and whipped around. A large shadow rose something over their head. Before you could run or defend yourself all you saw was the cold and empty gaze they had.

Then it was all black.


You could hear silent chatter as you came to. There was some movement along with shuffling about.

You tried to lifted yourself head only to hit your head on something metal. Confused, you moved your arms and legs. They seemed to be strapped to what seemed to with be a chair that you sat on or a cage.

You tried to talk to find that you were gagged. Trying to open your eyes only to find that you were blindfolded. What happened?

You tried to move around, trying to escape in anyway possible. Trying to push the gag or blindfold off by using your shoulder, you began rocking whatever you sat on.

"Ah," said a familiar voice. "Awake? Hm, you seem to be fighting a lot more than I thought you would."

You felt the fabric being lifted from your eyes and thrashed your head around to try and land a hit on your attacker.

When the blindfold was lifted you saw the boy you had been searching for. And he wasn't alone.

There was one girl and two boys in the room. Their eyes were as empty as the ones you saw before you found yourself here.

He boy tilted his head and smirked. "Well, you say you know me," he took a step back. "But you haven't said my name yet. So, how about we go through introductions anyway?"

You glared at the boy. It was true that you didn't know his name, hell you were just looking for a guy with a mind controlling quirk.

"My name is Hitoshi Shinso," yeh chuckled at your face. "Now it's your turn." He reached for you gag and pulled it down to your neck.

You growled at him. "The people! You kidnapped them and made them your slaves!" You yelled.

Hitoshi frowned at your reply. "I said," he came closer with a growl. "That it was your turn to introduce yourself. You won't like me when my patience is low."

You growled. But you did this to yourself. You had no other choice.

"(Y/N)," you said. He took a step back. "(Y/N) (L/N)."

Hitoshi tapped his chin with his index finger with a smile. "Ah," he leaned back a bit, head back. "You're that one who has been investigating the missing people, yes?"

You glared at him. Another question.

He chuckled and returned to his normal position. "You're a tough person to trick," he said. "You're pretty smart."

"Once they know were I am you're done for." You threatened.

Hitoshi rolled his eyes. "Sure. They won't find us, though," he came closer and lifted your head with his chin. "I made sure of it."

You glared at him. "What did you do?"

Hitoshi smirked. "Would you like to know?" He turned to his minions and snapped his fingers. "Get the equipment."

They mindlessly moved together , robots without their own programming. It was scary to watch.

What kind of equipment was Hitoshi talking about?

Your eyes widened. You looked at Hitoshi is fear. His smirk grew at the sight of this. "It will be soon before you are under my control, (Y/N)," he chuckled. "And you won't be leaving."

"You say that with confidence," you lifted your chin in pride. "I won't break me. Do your worst."

Hitoshi chuckled. "I plan to."

Word Count:

Artist Credit:
@Akagami-San on DeviantArt

Song Credit:
Darkside by grandson

January 28 , 2020

BNHA/MHA OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt