We Barley made it just on time with a minute to spare.

"6:59 AM." my watch read.

We sat on one of the lined up benches waiting for Gracie to come down. August clutched my shoulder as he sat down slowly letting out a angry groan.

"Here cry baby." I pulled a prerolled blunt from under my hat. He immediately took it and lit it inhaling as quick as possible.

"This is all your fault if your ass would've stop teasing me in the shower-"

"Shhhhh here he comes." I said putting my index finger on his lips and he swatted it away. Grace walked in front of the seated crowd making everybody stop talking.

"Each team needs a bandana, we've made it pretty clear that you need to move with your team to positions based on the color you're wearing. Once your team leader has been called you need to line up behind that person and collect your banana, then follow that person to the buses with your given duffle bag. Does anyone have any questions?" Nobody raised their hands.

"Alright to start I need my little soldier to come up, come on up G." I sighed and shuffled through people as they whistled as I walked by and stood next to him with my hands in my pockets.

"I need Vanessa, Z, Cassey, Bianca, TC, Mica, Big Jan, Jay, and simi to come on up." I said in one breath.

These girls have been rocking with me since I was 17 with addition to Vanessa. We're the only females in this whole crew of 220 men, so of course they were on my team. The ten of us might also be the best but I'm not bragging. They've been out in Cuba moving a couple of things for my dad for a month. I made sure Grace brought them home so they could help me out with this shit. As soon as they walked on the stage I hugged them.

Loud whistles from the crowd erupted making us laugh. I glanced at August who was the main doing all that foolishness with his high ass.

"Alrighty guys settle down, most of these ladies are taken so paws off. This right here fellas is the red team, I want every team to go quickly like this, when you hear your name don't fuckin just sit there and wait for time to change get your ass up and move!"

I laughed knowing someone would fuck up eventually. Louis handed us our bandanas and we tied them around our left ankles like every time we go out.

Big Jan, Z, and I grabbed duffle bags and we headed out and one single file line. Guys whistled after us as we left. I sat down in my usual seat and waited for the next team.

(10 minutes later)

Dice walked up the steps with a woozy august and his crew behind him. He sat next to me and laid his whole body on me like a rag doll.

"August what is wrong with you?" He had his face on mine, both arms wrapped around me, with his long ass leg thrown over my lap. He was sleep.

"Alrighty campers we will be moving in 10 minutes get comfortable, next stop will be the motel 6 a hour away from here.

People filled the seats with their teams, I lifted august off me and shuffled off the bus to where Grace was standing with a clipboard.

"Is everybody loaded up?"

"Yup, except Micheal.... He's staying behind with Malcolm and the rest of the crew who weren't picked. The kid is loosing his marbles. Real talk, he's even making me sad." I laughed lightly and patted his back.

"Just keep him away from guns and things that can potentially kill someone. Put him in the safe room with the TV on the wall and the bed pinned to the floor and he'll be alright until I get back."

The Bodyguard (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now