Chapter 6

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It was around 10:45pm. I just got back to my house from jogging. Seeing Zendaya at Trevor's earlier put a bad taste in my mouth. I immediately turned back around and asked the driver to take me home.

I didn't want to think about what was going on or why she was there but I couldn't help it and I knew it. Trevor has been blowing up my phone since I left earlier but I just don't know right now. I don't get why she would be there.

Walking pass the living room, I jumped at the sight seeing that Trevor, Jacob and Cree were sitting on my couch.

"How the hell did y'all get in my house and why are y'all here?" I said going to the kitchen to get myself a water bottle

"Did you forget that our trip is tomorrow? We all planned to come to your house and leave together." Cree said walking in the kitchen where I was currently

"I did." I said sighing after realizing I gave Cree my door code for this reason

"What's wrong? What go-"

"I'll take it from here Cree." I heard Trevor say as Cree got up and went back to the living room where Jacob was

"Can we talk?" He said tucking his hands in his front pockets

I nodded giving him the okay. I didn't wanna talk about it but I can't turn back now. Things would be different had we stayed friends. I knew the risk I was taking on being with Trevor but seeing her since their break up gave me a bad pit in my stomach.

"When the rest of the guys get here can y'all get the door I'm about to go talk to lil mama." Trevor said holding my hand leading me to the stairs

"Sure." Jacob said stuffing his face with chips

My heart was pounding and for some reason as we walked up the steps and my eyes started to sting. Inhaling and exhaling so I wouldn't cry, I walked in to my closet to find something to change into and Trevor was following me hot on my trail.

"Baby, would you just stop and listen to me? Please?" He said taking everything out of my hands so I'd have his full attention

"I'm listening." I said looking up at him

"Zendaya stopped by earlier today. She wants me to fly out to LA to our old home to get my things before the house is sold. She's my ex-wife Riley." He said

"Wife?" I said lost because he didn't mention that part to me

When Trevor and I met he told me about their break up. He said they were basically high school sweethearts and had been together for a long time. He just somehow forgot to mention that he was actually married so I kind of pieced it all together myself as of why the break up was so hard for him. She was his wife. Everything made sense now.

"Ex-wife. Remember I told you that I got served in the studio that day while you were away? Yea she sent someone to serve them to me, I signed off and sent the back within the week."

I'm not mad but everything just makes sense.

"Well since we are being honest. I want to go have a conversation with my ex-fiancé." I said waiting for an reaction and guess what? I got it.

"Is this because of the whole Zendaya thing? Who is your ex and why you want to meet with him?" He said with his face revealing his expressions

"No, Cashmere was the last guy I dated before you. We we're pregnant and he had just purposed and right after that we lost our baby; our son. After we lost our baby we blamed each other for basically breathing. So without breaking things off, I left and moved here to start over. He inboxed me on IG a few weeks ago asking to meet. I haven't seen it until today and I want to go." I said hoping he'd understand

His Peace | Trevor JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now