What should I do?
Everything Yashiro ever wanted was romance.
But love is not as colorful as she thinks.
Sometimes it can be deadly dangerous.
Especially when her own life is at stake.
Can her friends save her from that 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐞?
She didn't remember when was the last time, when she felt so unwell. The only thing she could think about was going home and taking a nap. Maybe several naps if needed. Nightmares tortured her for three days straight now. Every time she closed her eyes and finally fall asleep, her dreams changed from fluffy and cute, to bloody and cruel. Humans can only last so many sleepless nights before it bounces back to hit them with double power.
„Nene-chan? Are you okay?"
Yashiro lifted her head and somehow exhaustion wasn't as suffocating as before when red met violet.
Aoi seemed concerned. Of course she was. Even if she forced herself to smile, Nene could see faint traces of worry lingering in the girl's eyes. It was more visible than before. And Yashiro felt sudden urge to apologize – which was ridiculous since she didn't do anything wrong. But seeing frown on her best friend's face, when normally she was so cheerful and easy-going, made her feel guilty.
"You don't seem too well..."
„I'm alright, Ao-chan. There's no need to worry over me," Yashiro laughed dismissively and reassuring smile bloomed on her face. „I just had this really nice dream with my favorite actor and I would like to go back to him," she added.
Aoi didn't seem satisfied with the reply she got. Frown on her face deepened but Nene knew her well enough to know that her friend won't press her further. The topic was closed. For now, at least.
„Are you going to the gardening club today? Our flowers will bloom soon. And we wanted to take part in that spring competition, remember?" Yashiro prompted when Aoi seemed a little lost in her thoughts.
"Yes, of course."
It was a little stiff, but Nene didn't have energy to pursue further conversation. Aoi, even if she didn't admit it or wasn't nagging her with questions she probably had, still felt something was off and didn't know how to address it.
Bell rang and Aoi gave Nene one last gentle smile before trilling off to her own desk.
The white-haired girl laid head on her desk. There were so many things she should take care of. Gardening club, school, helping Hanako-kun... So many things to do and so little energy to actually do it.
That reminded her about cleaning toilets duty, which awaited her after school.
„Great," she whispered and closed her eyes.
Her eyelids were so heavy. She snuggled into her notebook and it didn't take long before Yashiro's breathe slowed and she fell asleep.
The boy sitting next to her desk, looked at her with confusion. He scanned Nene's face. Gentle smile bloomed across his face. He reached for one of hers books laying on desk. Then he raised it, and put before Yashiro's sleeping face, covering her from teacher's sight.
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„You're late, Yashiro!" Hanako appeared behind girl, and laid hands on her shoulders. „I hope you're ready for staying longer today," he added with smirk. „What do you think about rendezvous with your favorite toilet brush?"
„Oh, come on, Hanako-kun!" Yashiro groaned. „It was like only ten minutes!"
„Sorry, toilet rules," teased ghost. „Anyway, why are you so late, hm?"
Yashiro blushed, lowering her head. Hanako floated before her and squinted his eyes.
„What's with that look?" he asked suspiciously. „Yashiro?"
Girl smiled nervously and took laying in the corner, broom.
„Nothing. Really," she answered, sweeping the floor. „It's just... I overslept in class?"
„You what?" Hanako asked and looked at her. She was pale and under her eyes were dark circles. His gaze softened. „Trouble with sleeping?"
„Something like that," she replied. „But it's nothing serious."
Ghost boy smiled. Then he floated to her once again, and poked her forehead. She blinked surprised by his action. Yashiro opened her mouth to ask him, what's he doing. But Hanako simply crossed his arms and smirked.
„You know, maybe you just think too much?"
„I don't think so. It's not like I can't fall asleep. I have nightmares," Nene sighed.
To her mind came back pictures from the last night. She woke up with pounding heart. Breathing so heavily and quickly she thought her lungs will stop working. Darkness surrounded her, closing her in frightening cage of silence. She didn't want to experience it ever again. The worst thing was that, she didn't even remember what this nightmare was about.
„Yashiro?" Hanako waved before her eyes. „Hey, what's wrong?"
„Sorry," Nene shrieked. „Well, let's change the subject. Do you remember the cat I was talking about some days ago?"
The white-haired girl smiled happily. Hanko's eyes widened at this sight. He turned his head, and mumbled quiet mhm.
„Well, my parents agreed to keep it. I'm so glad. Still, I don't know how I should name it. Dark Ocean? Yellow Desert? What do you think, Hanako-kun?"
He leaned against the wall, putting hand to his chin.
„I think that this cat will be really poor one, if you name him like that," ghost shrugged with mischievous smile.
Yashiro rolled her eyes, and started cleaning, ignoring her friend. Hanako looked over the window, when Nene didn't respond to any of his words.
He didn't want to worry her, but she really didn't look well. Maybe he should release her sooner today? Just in case. Especially now. Yashiro's life were in danger from the very beginning, and now her time was shrinking fast. He preferred not to risk, that Yashiro's condition gets even worse.
But on the other hand, he wanted to spend as much time with her, as he could. He couldn't visit her during classes, since she forbade it to him. That was tiresome. Hanako didn't know why he feel need to be near her.
Yashiro yawned, rubbing her eyes. And yet there was still tiny smile on her face.
Hanako has made up his mind long time ago. And every time he saw her, he couldn't help it.
He decided to protect her.
Okaaay, I'm a bit nervous publishing this.
But I hope you'll enjoy it! Next chapter will be longer, don't worry.