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~Months Later~

Jin's POV

"Are you serious Hoseok?! Another fight?! We talked about this Seok!"
Dating a guy that has the power to create an entire tsunami when he's angry was not easy.
Dating five other guys with incredible powers was just as challenging. "This is your third fight in two weeks Seok. You need to learn to control your quirk and your anger."
Hoseok sighs, wincing a bit as I clean his wounds the the medical things I created myself.
"Some guys need to learn to watch their fucking mouths. Girls too. They keep calling you a slut for having six boyfriends."
He's not wrong about that one. A lot of girls do call me a slut and a whore for having six boyfriends, but none of it fazes me.
In the end, I still have this gorgeous face and six boyfriends who adore it, so who's the real winner here?
"You know that what they say isn't true, so why start fights that could get you suspended from school?"
Groaning, Hoseok takes off his shirt so that I can continue cleaning his wounds.
"Are we not going to talk about how much you and Jimin have been together lately, huh? That's something that needs to be discussed."
I pour, looking away from Hoseok for a brief moment."Jimin had been feeling a little neglected lately. My poor ChimChim."
"He's not a baby Jin, so stop treating him like one."
"Hoseok, I really don't appreciate your tone right now. I treat all of you the same, so you need to stop acting like a child."
If he's going to be acting like this while I'm cleaning his wounds from a fight that he started, I'll just stop and let him hurt all day. Not my problem.
I was being sympathetic before because he was hurt, but now he's just being a bit controlling.
"You're about to turn 17 Seok. Act like it." With that, I take everything I made to clean his wounds and put them in my bag before leaving his bedroom.
Yes, I treated his wounds at his house. The fight happened just before the bell rang and it continued afterwards.
Every time I tried to step in to stop him, Namjoon teleported in front of me. I was so ready to kick his ass then.
After a while, Hoseok comes downstairs, still only in his pants, and sits down next to me on the couch in the living room.
"Baby." I don't answer him, only crossing my arms over my chest and looking elsewhere.
"Baby, you know how we all get whenever you show one of us more attention then the rest of us." He kisses my check but I still don't look at him. "Don't be like that Jin." "Be like what Hoseok? You and the others have been acting like children lately and it's not cute in the slightest. We stopped the whole you guys having certain days thing months ago because you guys wouldn't listen to whose day it was. If you guys keep acting like this whenever I give one of you more attention than the other.." I sigh, cupping his face in my hands and connecting our lips in a kiss, moaning softly when he deepens it by sliding in his tongue.
I rarely kiss Hoseok and when I do...I'm in complete ecstasy. I break away only to finish what I tried to say before.
"If you guys keep acting like this whenever I give one of you just a bit more attention than the other...I'll have to just pick one of you and...I don't think I can do that Seok. I can't stand the thought of not being with all of you."
Hoseok sighs and just kisses me again, pushing me back onto the couch this time.
"You won't have to do that baby." Hoseok says between kisses.
"If you keep getting jealous of each other, I just might have to."
"And you think that will stop us?" Before I can say anything else, the doorbell rings and Hoseok gets up to answer it.
"The hell are you doing here Yoongi?" "Is that anyway to great your hyung and the person you share a boyfriend with?"
Sitting up, I look over at the front door and smile when I see Yoongi.
"Hi Yoonie!" I say excitedly as I get up from the couch and walk over to him and Hoseok.
Hoseok wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him.
I place my arm on his chest to keep some space between us, him being shirtless and all and his wounds still fresh.
"That guy really fucked you up didn't he?" Yoongi asks, looking over Hoseok's bare chest.
"Yeah. I still beat his ass though, that's for damn sure."
Yoongi sighs, looking me up and down before speaking again.
"Ready babe?" "What are you talking about hyung? Ready for what?"
Ohhh...I didn't tell him about that part yet....oops. "Uhm...Seok, Yoongi and I had planned to go out after school, but...I decided to come here to clean up your wounds." I explain, lightly tracing the scars on his chest with my finger.
"Do the others know about this?" I hesitate for a moment, looking back and forth between him and Yoongi.
"I...no. They don't." Hoseok tightens his grip on my waist and I gasp, looking up at him with wide eyes.
"And why not Jin? Don't you think we should all know when you decide to go out with one of us, huh?"
I need him to calm down honestly. "Listen Seok-" "No you listen Seokjin. I'm fucking tired of this. It's already hard enough to share you with 5 other guys. Why is it so hard for you to just tell us simple shit that we should all...know."
"Yoongi, we will not be going out today because I'm going home for the evening. Do not text me, call me, anything for the rest of the day. Tell the guys that."
The only reason he stopped talking is because I started to use my quirk.
They've all learned very well not to mess with me while I'm using my quirk; especially when I've got weapons coming out of every place on my body.
I go upstairs to Hoseok's room, grabbing my bag, my phone and my charger, and going back downstairs to put on my shoes.
I give both of them kisses before I start the walk to my house.
Just because I'm the bottom in our relationship, does not mean they will control my every move. I don't have to tell either of them any fucking thing.



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2020 ⏰

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