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Sero POV

Lunchroom, 12:36 pm

After we both woke up we parted our ways and got ready for school. Of course though we eventually made it to lunch and met back up again and ate with the BakuSquad.

"Soooo are we gonna talk about what happened yesterday??" Kaminari asked, getting a slap from Jiro.

"You idiot. Clearly if they didn't wanna talk about it then I doubt they do right now." Jiro said narrowing her eyes at him.

"No it's fine!" Mina started. "It was just that me and Sero wanted to do stuff and all these people were there and well yea. But we can, right?"

I nodded my head and smiled at her. "Yea whatever you want Mina."

She smiled and looked around at the squad waiting for a question to pop up. Of course it was Kaminari.

"Okay so like, y'all are like a thing right? If so like have y'all kissed ya know?" Kaminari said.

"Dumbass you don't ask a dumb fucking question like that!" Bakugou yelled at him annoyed.

"I think we should celebrate! Like all go out somewhere!!" Kirishima suggested.

All at once me,Mina,Kaminari and Jiro screamed yes.

"Fuck no."

"Come on Bakugou!!!!! It'll be fun! We can go to the arcade, the park! It'll be fun!!" Kirishima said trying to convince him. "Please Bab—"

"SHUT THE HELL UP FINE!!" Bakugou yelled blushing.

Kirishima smirked and hugged him.
"What were you about to say? And why are you blushing Bakugou?" Kaminari asked.

"FUCK OFF SPARKY!!! KIRISHIMA FOLLOW ME FUCK TARD!!!" He yelled before walking off, Kirishima saying a quick bye before following him.

"Don't tell me I'm the only one who can tell." Jiro said putting her hand on her head.

We just looked at her with blank faces not knowing what she meant. She sighed before all four of our phones dinged and lit up.

Guys we have to cancel!! Bakugou has something to do and I'm gonna help him! Sorry!

"Aww man!" Kaminari complained. "I'm gonna be so bored! Unless...Jiro do you have some new music!"

"At my dorm 6:00" she said walking off, Kaminari followed her. Leaving me and Mina alone.

"Soooo Mina?" I looked down at her and she looked back at me blush filling her face.

"Yea?" She said looking down smiling, messing with her hair.

"Would you maybe wanna, go on a date?" I asked putting my hand to my neck embarrassed and nervous.

She smiled big and nodded her head excited and pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back and when we pulled away she layed her head on my shoulder.
"I would love to!" She said closing her eyes and smiling.

I smiled back at her. "The park at 5:30? Or wherever you want!"

She nodded her head again, then the bell rang and we had to leave for class. I couldn't focus very well during classes though. All I could think about was my date with Mina.


"Bro your gonna be fine! She's probably just running late. Maybe the girls are holding her up, you know how they are!" Kirishima said trying to comfort Sero.

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