Dimension 202: forests of Uhlv-Ohk

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These old trees....my home. I remember the days of my youth, where my claws were limber, and my scales and feathers bright. Now, the sit dull, and dusty. My eyes no longer shine like they do. My claws are stiff, now...and dull. Terribly dull. All i have from my youth...are these redwoods. The branching leaves and needles give me comfort, and the singing of birds gives me joy....

I forget myself.

I am Uhlv-Ohk, Keeper of the trees, wanderer of dreams. I have wandered here with my family for decades. But in the past hundred years.....I have been alone. So, so alone...Why my people have dissapeared, is unknown to me...One day, there are many of us. the next, the forest is silent. No calls. No scent. Just the two legged mammals that wander. 

I forget myself.

this forest was my birthplace, my home for eons. Somehow, my kin have disappeared, and the strange creatures wander my forest now. I watch from the shadows, keeping out of the way of the strange two legged creatures. They have strange, colorful skins, and strange chirping stones, that flash light every now and then. I just watch, and wander the trees, keeping silent.

I forget myself.

I have studied from afar, and come to the conclusion that these strange, bright skinned creatures, were not responsible to my species disappearance. The two legged things are clumsy, despite myself having two legs. Maybe it it due to their lack of tails. They have no antlers, such as I....they confound me. Why do they have the small stones of light? Why do they seem to stare at the trees, and stop the sound of birds?

I forget myself.

The other day, a strange creature in the guise of a bush. It looked upon me, and changed it's face to an appearance I could not discern. It ran, leaving me confused. Why had it run? I feast upon plantlife, not flesh. It dose not worry me however. The small, loud creatures that travel with the larger ones can see better, it seems. I have caught them glancing, and opening their faces at me. It brings comfort. But the larger one that saw me....brings me discomfort. 

I forget myself...

The creature returned again, but kept it's distance from me. It had a larger rock, with a piece of solid water in it. The creature was scared, I could sense it. I stayed still, watching what it did. I could make out what wanted, but it could not do it, and wept. I approached, and the creature recoiled, saying things in a language I could not understand. It looked upon me, and shivered. The poor thing was upset, I knew this. And I sat with it, curling m tail around it, and resting my head by the rocks and soft ferns on the ground, and the creature seemed to relax. I sat with it for an hour, and it left soon after. I gave it a feather when it left, as to let it known I meant no harm.

I remember myself, and I know myself. I wander this forest, to protect the clumsy two legged creatures from the nameless knowledge. He watches me, and I believe that he watches the clumsy creatures. 

It...scares me....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2020 ⏰

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