Chapter 4: Demand and comply

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Witch's cabin

Remi's rage towards the witch who had burnt his hand and almost killed his only companion was overwhelming him, but he was brought back to his senses with a gentle touch on his back.

"Sir Remi..." Edward said.

The corpse of the witch slid off Remi's bloody arm. Remi noticed that the burn on his hand was gradually healing.(so this is the way demons heal), Remi thought, he saw muscle overlapping bone and skin overlapping muscle. It was scary to think he wasn't a normal human anymore.

After the death of the witch, the boys witnessed something strange.

"Coo coo!!!" A sound came from the corpse.

"The hell is that?" Remi asked. A blue and white bird-like creature flew away from the witches and landed on the edge of the cabin.

"I believe it's a chicken sir", Edward answered. The blue chicken then pecked the space behind the cabin, like throwing a stone into a pond. The area rippled behind the cabin and an entire town was revealed. The buildings were falling apart and old.

"What a powerful illusion!" Edward screamed. He was amazed by such a powerful spell. The duo walked into town in hopes of getting answers.

The people of the town were scared and confused. There were only a few men and women around, all looking sickly and drained, as if the witch was feasting on their souls.

Edward tried to find out who the chief was but no one answered, until.

"Thank you two for saving our little village!" A strange girl comes from nowhere and hugs Edward. This causes the boy to blush.

Remi took a good look at the girl. She wore a torn nun's outfit, but what really shocked him was her catlike features, including her eyes,ears and tail.

"A beastman, ask them if they know the way to the capital!" Yells Remi.

'Kyaaaah! A demon!" The girl cried out.

"Why you?!" The boy already had a hatred for fluffy animals, he was just about ready to hit her, but Edward stopped him.

"Sorry for what the witch did to you all. Do you know where the capital is? We can ask for their help in rebuilding this place." Said Edward. He took it that the beast girl was the representative of the town.

"Yes I do, please help us, we need a proper leader here!" She continues to cry.

Edward and Remi looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

Diora kingdom

Kings castle

The people who had come to this world with Remi have been training for the whole time after Remi was confirmed missing in action. Finally, they would become ranked knights. Alex was sporting bronze armor and a brown tunic, along with a bronze mace as well.

"Damn, that training was hell!" Alex exclaimed.

Ali, who was the oldest, acted as the leader of the group. He disliked the armor they used and rather wore traditional silver garments and a white turban and tunic.

"Come on, if we didn't train we might have ended up dead like that guy..." Ali bluntly stated. He was a straight forward guy.

Debora hissed at this comment, she also wore a blue dress with a silver breastplate, her frizzy hair was even more frizzy now. "I swear Ali. the way you talk sometimes is so disrespectful!" Debora yelled at him and slapped the back of his head 'slaaappp!'

Ali yelped at the pain and glared daggers at Debora, who gave him a similar glare. Feeling the tension skyrocket, Elisa took the stage.

"Hey fellas, Remi might still be alive, his body hasn't been found yet, so there's still hope!". She was an optimist at heart, a kind soul, she could recall the boy staring at her, but never had the courage to talk to him.

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