"Probably chick-fila haha. So do you got a boyfriend?" He asked now sounding serious. I laughed and looked at him again.

"No I don't haha. Do you have a girl?" I asked also getting curious which made him laugh too.

"No. All the girls usually want me for my dad or my money. Can't really trust anyone." He said looking down at the bottom of my shorts also tugging at the loose strings. It was so cute. All of the sudden he asked me, "have you ever kissed anyone?" He said almost jokingly but I could tell he was visibly nervous.

"No, have you?" I asked looking him in the eyes.

I felt him getting closer and I started leaning in. He grabbed my waist and pulled me on top of him. "God you're so cute." He said under his breathe. I laughed at his sudden action earning a grin from him. I wrapped my arms around his neck almost closing the space when his door open and I quickly jumped off and looked like we were in the middle of a conversation.

"Yo we heading out." His dad or Lebron James said, smiling at me and waving. "Hey my names Lebron I'm Bronny's old man." He said, I got up to shake his hand but threw myself off when I realized the height difference.

"H-hey! I'm Baylee. Holy cow you are tall!" I said shocked making him and Bronny laugh.

"Well we are heading out bro. You need anything?" Lebron asked.

"I'm good." He said looking at me. "what about you girl?" He asked.

"No I'm fine, but thank you though." I said smiling.

"Ight we will be back later kids have fun!" He said winking a Bronny making him go red.

"Please ignore that. He's being weird." He said still a bit red.

"I thought it was cute! I want to take a dip still. Do you have that extra bathing suit?" I asked smirking at him. His face lit up, "oh yeah I'll go get it!" He said walking out his room.

Bronny POV

Damn I swear my dad has no chill sometime! He knows I like her and him saying that was mad disrespectful but whatever I don't think she got the hint anyway. I walked into the bathroom and pulled a plastic bag out of one of the cabinets. I told her that one of my cousins left one her but that was a lie. I went out and bought her one instead. It was a simple black one but I thought it would like nice on her figure and to be honest I feel like I would like it on her more than she would. I pulled the tags off and walked back into my room with it. When I walked in she was laying on my bed on her phone. "Here's the bathing suit." I said

She looked up and I threw it to her and walked over, laying beside her. She sat up and pulled it out.

"Wow, it's so cute! Black is my favourite colour haha you're cousin has good taste. I'll go change." She said hopping off the bed.

Baylee POV

I walked down the hall and into the bathroom. I saw it when me and him ran to his room. I walked in and started to change when I saw a tag on the floor. I picked it up to put it in the trash when I saw a picture of the bikini on it and the price.

"Holy shi-"

"Yo you ready?" I heard him say.

"Um yeah just give me a few seconds!"

I replied trying to get the price out of my mind and the fact that he bought it! I quickly put it on and walked out to find him staring in awe. It was pretty funny but he snapped out of it soon.

"Damn you look really good I-I mean it's aight but no no I mean you look really pretty I MEAN-"

"Thanks Bronny!" I said cutting him off. He was so nervous all the sudden the door bell rang and it opened revealing Mikey and the others from lunch today. I thought they weren't coming?

"Yo Bronny we here!" Mikey yelled. Bronny looked annoyed and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah we up here but we gonna go outside to the pool!" Bronny said. He looked at me. I was a bit self conscious about more guys seeing me like this and Bronny got the hint. He put his hoodie on me and I smiled up at him.

"You don't have to swim. You can just hang your feet in. You can just watch us." He grabbed my hand and I swear I felt butterfly's in my stomach.

"Yooo Baylee what's up!" Khoi said dapping me up.

Mikey looked me up and down giving me an odd look. He almost looked turned on and it weirded me out. Bronny looked at him and pulled me into a back hug.

"We finna go swimming?" Everyone started yelling and acting like guys running out to the back.

"LAST ONE IN IS BUYING ME TACO BELL!" Khoi yelled and all the guys started racing.

It was only Mikey, Bronny and I left in the house and it was awkward.

"Sooo you guys a thing?" He asked confused.

"I-I mean kind of yeah?" Bronny said.

My heart raced. Us? A thing? No no no! That cannot happen!

"Huh. Cute. Well imma meet y'all outside. Mind if I invite a few others?" Mikey said

"Go ahead brother!" Bronny said resting his head on top of mine holding me close by the waist. Mikey left to the pool and I broke out of Bronny's grip.

"BRONNY WHAT THE HELL?" I whisper yelled.

"He was looking you up and down Baylee! I know you saw it!" He defended himself.

"Yeah! But saying we are dating! When we are not! I mean you're really really nice and funny and cute but you're taking it too fast. Plus I'm not ready for a relationship!" I said backing up a bit.

"Baylee I am sorry but you can't be with Mikey. You just can't." He said

"Why? I don't even like him! Plus why does it matter to you?" I said crossing my arms.

"Okay listen Baylee," he said stepping closer, "there are reasons you can't like him but I just can't tell you. It's not the time. He's a pretty good guy but it's not that." He said quieting his voice a bit more.

"Fine, you don't have to tell me but by the end of the night you better." And with that I walked out to the pool with Bronny trailing behind me.

Caught Up ~ L.J.J.Where stories live. Discover now