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Blythe sits at her vanity, combing the red tangles out of her auburn hair. The curls bounce as the coffee machine in the distance makes her daily cup of Joe. It pours out as she puts on her favorite shade of lipgloss, sex.  Her rosy red cheeks blush against the light protruding from a top. She gets up and slips into a light purple cardigan and white top. Her flats embroidered with little roses on the side, noticing the arrangement of them, she starts her car. Daily traffic is over heard by  a local news show telling her about the weather forecast. She dials the volume up and listens to the meteorologist cancel her plans for the weekend.
Slamming her head down on the wheel and lightly screaming "God damn it, this weather" She hears a honk and goes with the fastest reaction. She bops her hand against the wheel, as she pulls into her parking spot, this time occupied by another teacher. She spins around and looks at her dashboard mirror, scanning her complexion. She heads inside much cooler than before in the car.
"Good morning, Jone" Blythe says tiredly. Jone waves and Blythe unlocks her class room, throwing her graded papers into one pile. And her not graded papers into one. Her chair squeaks as she sits down at her glossy wooden desk. The smell of candy cane fills her noise as her warmer burns in the distance. Blythe pulls out thin red ink pen and begins to mark the silly mistakes on her eleventh graders test.

Blythe teaches astrophysics as her primary class, and dabbles with physics in two of her other classes. The bell sounds and students fill her room, she closes her grading book and gets up to draw on the chalkboard
Good morning class, pull out your notebooks. Note taking and planetary studies.
She writes on the board to indicate a slow day, she has a love-hate relationship with these kind of days. Not one of them greeted her with a simple hello. Teaching her class, many kids fall asleep. Blythe doesn't mind this, she understands the complication of this studious subject. Her glasses fall down on her cheeks as she picks up a model of planet Earth. Her pants fall short enough to reveal a pair of black panties. Her students looks over, noticing their breaths, she quickly gets up. Blythe finishes the period with a class discussion. Not many get involved, she takes her lunch period to talk about her lesson plans, and how to engage her students more with other teachers.

Blythe grabs a complimentary cookies baked by the chefs in her school, and opens her lunch box to a tuna sandwich. Smashed and molded from the lack of refrigeration. She mumbles a light message, her teacher friends noticing, Gina walks over. 

"Hey Blythe, you seem off today. Are you okay?" Gina asks in a sincere voice with apologetic eyes. Blythe snarls and slams the sandwich into the trash can.
Walking back over she says back to Gina "I'm fine, I promise" Blythe fake smiles and shrugs at Gina. Notiching, Blythe's high emotions, she walks away. Nothing is said and Blythe continues to eat her bag of potato chips she packed. The lunch bell sounds and she picks up her top to walk back to her room. Her hair whisking in the air.
Her next class, IB Physics. Planning to prepare an experiment involving the laws of physics. She sums up her total class average and it comes out a solid D, agnering her, her plans change for the day. They quickly change to  review session involving the whole period. She snores as students review common law. Laying her head down on the desk before falling asleep.

"Blythe?...Blythe..." One of her students calls out in her ear. She opens her eyes to her students staring at her. Her face turned red like a rare steak fresh off the cow.  Blythe folds her hair behind her ears before speaking

"Yes...Yes! Sorry bout that" She folds the creases down on her clothes and ties her hair up into a messy bun before turning the projector off. The students go back to correcting their tests as she dozes off again. The last bell of the day rings and she runs to her car, without saying anything to anyone.
She holds her head in her palms as they sweat from the nervousness of embarrassment.
Fuck...I feel asleep in front of my students..again
She thinks to herself.  Turning on the radio, the host plays her most hated song of all time, she slams her fist on the dash. Cracking it. Her fist turns a light green with purple marks in the middle. Blythe pulls out of the driveway and into her home. Her first day back from work was terrible and stressful. She lets her hair down, and slips into a green satin gown. Her head falls onto the pillow and her eyes close, the moon outside shines upon her windows. Reflecting the bad energy away.

The day starts off with a *ding* from her boss, her messages reads about a new hire into the school system:

"Dear Educators,
The school board has decided to go forward with the implementation of student teacher. We have made a big leap of faith, so make him feel welcome at Green Hill. The student teacher does have an assigned classroom and they will be at their designated station for the entire stay"

The letter is signed off by the principal of the school. There hasn't been talk about a student teacher being in Blythe's classroom, but she never doubted the best situations. She applied kiss and began her day with a different alternative to black coffee, a smoothie. The blender rattles in the distance as she straightens her hair. The blending stops as soon she walks out the door. This time the morning traffic is not terrible. She arrives at school on ample time and even says hi to Jone.

"Looking good, Blythe" Jone says as she waves with a small smile. Jone is wearing her favorite color today: Yellow.
Blythe waves back and continues her journey to her class. Her graded papers are done, all it takes is a lesson plan for the day and she is ready. Her astronomy class will be eager to learn something new so she plans to investigate a new planetary body. Her physics class will still continue planning their future project by discussing an unsolvable problem. She spins in her chair, waiting to kill time. Then the bell sounds, this could be the moment of truth. Does she have a student teacher coming to her observe her?
The kids pack into her 30 people seating arranged class and wait for her response
Hello, hello. Good morning. Plan for something exciting. We are investigating the movement and mass of the largest stars known in the observable universe.
They all sit up from their slumps and pay attention to her, finally. Her spirit is uplifted by a knock at her door ten seconds later, when she finally caught the attention of her students. The young man standing behind the door looked rather young. Blythe assumed he was a student. 
"Hello...? Are you a new student, because we have a spot open for you" Blythe pointed at an empty chair sitting in the corner, secluded from the rest of the class.
"Sorry for the lack of room in this room, it's rather small. But welcome to astrophysics. The kids should, key word should, make you feel welcome" She says with some-what of sympathetic. She ran to the front of the room and began to teach her class again. But before she could the student pulled her in by the arm and said.

"Actually, I was a student teacher mentioned in the email. My name is Nick...just nick" He held out his hand for her to shake it and she blushes before taking his hand pulling it.

Class, meet Mr. Nick. He is our new student teacher. Make him feel welcome.

She sat him back into his spot and he obliged and stayed quiet for the entire lesson. Not a word was said, not a noise came out of that man.

"Well, it's my lunch period. Do whatever. Mingle with other teachers, just not me" Blythe looks up at Nick and he giggles before walking away. She turns her head in a confused motion and goes back to her eating her tuna melt, alone. Her lipgloss smears against the lid of her coffee cup.
She teaches her physics class, also welcoming Nick to this class to. She warms her heart to him as the day ends and finally she says before leaving

"Bye...Nick, good first day" He looks up at her from the stack of papers she assigned him. His green eyes meets her and they both look away. She walks away not thinking much of her new partner. The night falls upon the day and she checks her messages, no new ones to begin with. Only ones from her crappy isolated teacher email.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2020 ⏰

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