He looks down at her

Y/n:Uhh hi?

Gray Raven:Sorry...

Y/n:For what?

Gray Raven:For being alive...

Y/n:Honestly I want to tell everyone the same thing about me,but not you,you shouldn't be sorry...

Walls start to appear from the ground creating a maze

Y/n grabs the Gray Raven's hand

Y/n:This maze will be easy once we jump over!

Gray Raven:Wait...

As y/n jumps while holding the gray raven he hits an invisible roof...

He puts the Gray raven above him as he hits the ground

Gray Raven:Sorry Y/n...

Y/n:Your name is Timid huh?

Timid:Sorry for not telling you...

Y/n:You don't need to apologize...

Timid:I can help you get through the Maze...

Y/n:Great! After you get off me we can go...

She blushes as she gets up quickly

Y/n:Lead the way...

He follows her through the maze until they reach the end and see a door

Y/n:Thank you Timid!

She gives a small smile before nodding her head

Timid:That door should get you to the next area...

Y/n:Thanks again!

He walks into the door

Timid:I hope I see you again...

Y/n goes into another area

Y/n:Okay new Raven where are you?

Green Raven:Yo y/n! High five me dude!

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Green Raven:Yo y/n! High five me dude!

Y/n hesitantly high fives her

Green Raven:Awesome! The name is Brave!

She puts her arm around y/n's shoulder

Brave:You up for a little spar?

Y/n:Maybe another time...

The regular raven walks up

Raven:What are doing in here y/n?

Y/n:I got dragged into this mirror when Cyborg and Beast Boy showed me it...

Raven:Yea I figured,I know your smart....

Y/n:What do you say we go and get them back

Raven gives a small smile

Raven:What do you have in mind?

Y/n:You'll see...


Y/n:Hey guys...

Cyborg:Uhh hey y/n!

Beast Boy:What's going on?

Y/n puts his arms around them

Y/n:Tell me do you guys like the beach?


Y/n:Then you're gonna love where I'm sending you two...

He teleports to the middle of a desert

Beast Boy:Where are we?!

Y/n:Don't know,don't care,byeeeeee!

He teleports back to the tower

Raven starts to laugh a little

Raven:Good one...

Y/n:Yea! They deserved that...I'll get them in a couple days...

Raven:I'm not complaining if they show up a couple days late...

Y/n laughs

Y/n:Yea,me neither!

Raven:You know y/n if you ever want to talk,you can join me in my room,you don't even need to knock...


Raven:Everything private I need to do is done somewhere else and not in my room,so yea...

Y/n:I'll make sure I stop by...

Raven:And if you want to talk about...the voices in your head,I'm here...

Y/n:We'll keep that in mind...

He realizes what he said and clears his throat

Y/n:I'll keep that in mind...

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