He grabs the bill and the ten and goes to the register paying.

"Well I shall now drop you off at your destination." Tommy says as we leave the diner.

I giggle rolling my eyes.

I buckle my seatbelt as he starts the car and soon we were off to the store and then Nikki's.

I walk into the store going straight to the food section and grabbing all kinds of groceries that would be good for Nikki for the next couple weeks.

I grab him some toiletry stuff and some cleaning supplies and then I get a couple bottles of advil I get a pack of water bottles and then go to the cash register.


I walk into Nikki's house with Tommy, him helping me putting the groceries away.

Once we put them away I seen Nikki standing in the entryway of the kitchen.

"Hey" I say and Tommy smiles at Nikki before pecking my cheek and leaving. 

"You two a thing?" He says annoyed

I roll my eyes before putting all the plastic grocery bags in the trash.

"Just friends Nikki." I say and take off my jacket.

"You bought gifts!" He says

"Just stuff you need is all" I say and give him a small smile.

"First step on getting clean, flushing the junk, where is it?" I ask

He clentches his jaw looking down at the floor.

"In my room." He says

"All of it?" I ask

"All of it." He says

We both walk upstairs and I grab the junk off of his bed, night stands, and his desk and dresser.

I flush it all and grab the stuff from his closet too.

"Secondly alcohol cabinet gets locked." I say


"Nikki." I sternly say holding my hand out.

He hands me the key to his alcohol cabinet and I lock it.

"Now let's start cleaning up." I say


I put the rest of the cleaning supplies up and me and Nikki stand in the middle of his bow clean mansion.

"Why so big of a house?" I say and put my hands on my hips looking at Nikki.

"I don't know" He says and shrugs.

I look at the time and see it was past nine thirty p.m.

Nikki rushes to the bathroom and I follow bending down holding his hair so he could puke.

I rub his back and sigh.

I let go of his hair and he stands up flushing the toilet and then brushing his teeth.

I stand up as we leave the bathroom and Nikki goes into his room.

I walk into the living room and go into the kitchen.

I grab two steaks some steamed broccoli, two potatoes, and mushrooms and onions.

I prepare the steaks putting them both in a frying pan and putting some red wine and vinegar on them to soak and cook.

I put a lid over them and then put the broccoli in a pot putting butter and some seasoning and then putting a lid over that as well.

I cut the onion and mushrooms up and put them on the stove putting red wine and vinegar and then letting that cook.

I put the potatoes in the oven to let them bake and then clean up the kitchen and I grab two white glass plates and two wine glasses.

I put the food on the plates and clean up then pour the wine.

I place the plates down and call for Nikki.

He wasn't answering so I rushed to his room to see him passed out with a needle in his arm.


A/n- oooo a cliff hanger!! Anyway thank you all who voted and read this book we reached one thousand reads! So thank you all so much!!

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