[11] Starting Anew

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Aaron was shocked that Hermione even came to astronomy tower at all. He sent the letter just because he wanted to give the present and was expecting to just go along with his night in the astronomy tower. He was speechless that the girl had even come, much smile at him when he said her name. He looked up and zeroed in on her neck, where the necklace laid perfectly on her neck and said, "You wore it."

Hermione looked at him confused until she realized that he was talking about the necklace that was his Christmas gift and she smiled while subconsciously fingering the necklace. She opened her mouth to speak but was quickly cut off with, "Before you say anything I just want to apologize again." Aaron smiled sheepishly, "You know, for over reacting and being a git the other night. I was scared about commitment and with my parents I didn't think I was allowed to be this happy." He said sadly but quickly added on, "Not like that's an excuse. I was definitely a prat and you should be mad at me, I just hope that you are willing to hear my story?"

Hermione tilted her head and raised her eyebrow before waving her hand as a motion to continue.

"You know my parent's right? The infamous, Park family. The one's who immigrated from Korea and integrated themselves perfectly into British high society. They were revered in the pureblood community. They used to be quite sweet parents. They did everything right, told me that I could do anything I wanted, and allowed me to be the person I wanted to be. It got worse as I got older though, the more pureblood events we went to, the more my parents wanted to assimilate into their community. When I was sorted into the Ravenclaw, I was immediately labeled as the disappointment. The son who couldn't do anything right. I tried so hard to please them, I became top of my class, became friends with people like Natalie, Cedric and I thought I was doing a good job. But that was far off from the truth, I will never be good enough in my parents eyes, and that's just going to be my fate." By the time Aaron finished his little speech, he didn't even notice that he was in tears until Hermione stepped up and wiped one from his face.

"Merlin Aaron why didn't you ever tell me." Hermione said softly while moving towards him and hugged him.

"I didn't want to appear as weak. As much as I don't want to be my parent's child, I am, and I can't help but be all of these things that they instilled into me when I was younger." Aaron sighed from his place sitting on the window of the astronomy tower. His head on Hermione's shoulder, he felt more content than he had in a long time.

"Well I for one know that you, Aaron Park, are not perfect, but who is? You are loved, by me, by your friends and by your sister. We all know who you are and what you stand for, so stop being so hard on yourself. You are doing well." Hermione said drawing circles on his palm.

"Thank you Hermione Jean Granger. I don't think I've met anyone quite like you." Aaron said as he smiled and turned his head to face her straight on. The next couple of seconds seemed to pass in slow motion. Hermione's eyes flickered towards his lips and she slowly leaned in until she said, "Fuck it," and crashed her lips against his. He was taken by surprise and actually took him a split second to recognize that Hermione was actually snogging him. He closed his eyes out of sheer joy and finally started to kiss back. Their lips locked in a steamy kiss until they both pulled back and gasped for air. Hermione looked up at Aaron's eyes and immediately started to blush at the bold move that just happened.

"Well, at least I know that my feelings are valid now." Hermione said while looking across the room unable to make eye contact.

"Hey look at me." Aaron used his hand to tilt her chin to look up at him, "This is not your fault. I am an insecure prick and I should have never made you feel like that. I want to do this the right way. So Hermione Jean Granger I would like to introduce myself. I'm Aaron Park. Sixth year Ravenclaw. Nice to meet you." He said while he held out his hand for Hermione to shake.

Hermione giggled before she shook his hand and said, "Hi, I'm Hermione but you already knew that. I am very glad to meet you too."



Yes I have had this chapter almost done for 3 months...but I couldn't find an ending...so if its shit I'm sorry.

Anyways! I hope to get back into the writing! Can't believe there's almost 4K views omg that's insane.

Hope y'all enjoy this one!

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