Catch That FOX

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1 Little Miss Curious

While other little girls took great joy in dressing as princesses and fairies, Amelia needed only a long coat arrayed with pockets and buttons, a magnifying glass and her father's on the job cap and pipe; a small assortment of attire that would awaken her imagination and send her to a world full of clues and adventure. As luck would have it, on one of the many days of her eight year old life, when Amelia was playing dress up, her father knocked on the door of her room.

"Yes?" She questioned with a notable shock in her voice, as she quickly ran to her costume chest to hide the pipe and cap which she had merely 'borrowed'. Her father entered bringing with him an atmosphere of cunningness and wit, two attributes to his major success in his field of work. He smiled when he saw his little girl with a long kaki coat trailing down to her ankles, and a magnifying glass hanging out of one pocket. She gazed up at him with her hands behind her back and the most classical puppy dog expression that is a child's secret weapon.

"Well do you know where my cap and pipe went? I need to set off to work?"  He knew very well that some time in the night little feet would scurry to his study separated from his room by a thin wall. He would hear the door squeak as it shut and his eyes would twinkle with joy, as he heard her childish giggles when she found a new gadget hidden somewhere on his messy table. Then the door would open and the next morning the pipe and cap would be gone. However, he loved her and he loved the feeling of pride that rushed into every bit of his body when he saw her role-taking his job.

Amelia forgot her innocent act, her eyes lit up and widened understanding he was preparing to leave. "Oh Daddy! What are you investigating this time? Oh Daddy, Daddy, Daddy please tell me." She hopped around, then finally to the chest and pulled out the pipe and cap.

He mused out loud and slowly; "Well, you know...I guess if you want. I mean maybe...I can take you with me today..." A smile played on his thin lips, set on the young face of a man who has reached the physical peak of life, age: 30. And then Amelia threw the hat on her head pipe in her pocket, screamed with joy ran out the door and was still screaming as she waddled down the stairs to the kitchen to tell her mum. 

Looking back it was that moment that may have decided her entire future. Call it fate or an early discovery of passion, but from then on, she could think of nothing else to be but a detective.



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It is in fact a romance/mystery. However that'll probably kick in at around the 3rd part. and yes it's kind of a teen flick and will soon be humerous (hopefully).

i'm hoping you like it. :) thanks for reading it...and I'd REALLY appreciate comments.

...not desperate. :P

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