Chapter 18

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Zayn’s POV

I was running around looking for that German girl Doreen. She was very rude at my flat. I know all about Doreen and since she’s part of my clan I have rule over her. She needs to learn. I couldn’t have fought her at my flat. Not with her submissive there to witness everything. Evelyn is the only reason I didn’t fight her at my flat. It’s customary to have a no violence around a submissive.

Now if they’re walking home that I can strike attack on and I plan on doing so.

Doreen is wanted for many things. She’s the one who led the fledglings to the flat and kidnap Liam and Harry. I can go on just for that but there’s more. She’s after something something that is mine. She’s after Liam and Harry. She’s after their gifts. She doesn’t give a shit about their well-being. No she’ll train them for evil. I won’t let that happen.

I caught up with them and glared at Doreen. She screamed at the heat sensation my glares caused and turn around. I tackled her to the ground and told Evelyn to run back to my flat. Doreen and I fought and fought till Josh came. I killed her and told Josh there was a submissive on the way to the house. He quickly ran after her.

I started chanting over Doreen’s dead body to those who followed her pathway will live a miserable life. Being immortal they’re suffer until the point it kills them again.

I ran back to my flat to see Liam in our room. He looked so peaceful. I jumped on and placed my knee on either side of his and started tickling him

“Zayn…can’t…breath…” Liam said in between giggles. I laughed and bent down to kiss his nose.

“How are you then love?” I asked

“Fine how are you?” he said

“You know that answer,” I smiled

“Hey can we watch Toy Story 3?” he asked

“Sure,” I said and put the disk in. I climbed back on the bed and Liam immediately but his head on my chest. I wrap my arm around his shoulder. This is my favorite part of the day. Cuddling my boyfriend.

 Niall’s POV

Evelyn and Josh came back to the flat. Zayn told me part one of his plan was to invite Doreen and Evelyn back to our house. Once he got Doreen mad enough Zayn would go after them and kill Doreen. Evelyn was to return here with Josh so we could give her a second chance.

I took a deep breath before I went to the living room with a tray of short bread cookies and five tea cups. (A/N My friend and Sara’s girl friend Danni is from Britain and she said she has short bread cookies all the time I’m sure not all do) I gave everyone a cup. Liam and Zayn were upstairs.

“Evelyn you know Doreen was after something,” I said gently. With a frighten submissive you have to be very careful

“Y-yes she was after L-Lium and H-Harreh.” She stuttered. Her blue eyes were wide and she looked like a dear in the dark.

“It’s ok Evelyn you’re safe now,” I said she nodded and began to tell us every thing

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