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Regular P.O.V.


I untangle myself from Jimin, fixing my hair in the process, since I know that my hair is probably a mess right now.

Girl problems that boys just wouldn't understand.

"Y/N? Jimin? Where are you?"

I look up at Jimin and he presses a finger to his lips, silently telling me to keep quiet. I nod my head and obey, careful to not make any noises.

We both carefully sneak into our shared bedroom, Jimin sitting cross-legged on the floor, while I sit on the edge of the bed. The door opens and Hoseok pokes his head in.

"Oh, there you two are. Jimin, why'd you run off?"

"Oh, I just wanted to... rest early," Jimin shrugs his shoulders and leans back onto his hands.

Hoseok nods his head slowly and suspiciously at Jimin, not believing his little lie.

"Well... okay then. The boys are all a little worn out from practice, so they're just going to go to bed."

"Ok, hyung. Goodnight."

"Night," Hoseok nods and closes the door.

I let out a a breath that I've been holding in, and so does Jimin.

He looks at me and does a lopsided half smile.

"That was close, huh?"

I nod my head and pull my legs up into my chest, not knowing what else to say.

"Um, when is your next practice?" I ask, clearing my throat.

"Tomorrow, right after school again," he responds blankly, staring up at me. "Why?"

"Oh, nothing. It's just Sejin asked me to help film your dance practices. That's all."

"Y/N... you should've told me. Next time, don't keep these kinds of things to yourself, ok? Make sure you tell me, your brother, or any of the other boys."

"Okay..." I nod.

"Let's go to sleep. We have a long day tomorrow," Jimin says, as he stands up and makes his way to lie down in the bed.

I let out a breath and lie down next to him. He pulls the covers over us and pulls me into him, as he kisses the crown of my head.

"Night Y/N."

"Mm, goodnight Jimin..." I reply sleepily.

He gives me one last kiss, on the lips this time, as I drift off to sleep.


Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Why is there smoke? And why the hell is the smoke alarm going off?!"

"Hyung?! What did you do?! Why do I smell something burning?!"

"Ah, well-"

"Yah! Kim Namjoon!! What the hell happened in here?!"

"Yah, hyung!! Don't talk so loud! Jimin and Y/N are still asleep!"

"Alright, geez. Sorry..."

I make a sound, close to a groan, and shift, making Jimin moan in response.

"Y/N... stop moving."

I crack my eyes open, assuming that I'll see Jimin, but instead, I feel something on my lower backside.

Promise · A BTS JiminXReader Texting AU (Well, kind of)Where stories live. Discover now