Chapter 5

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"A c-color?" I asked. What the hell was he talking about?

"Pick a color,"  Damon repeated himself.

"Blue," I said forcing myself not to stutter. He didn't hesitate before reaching in the drawer and to grab something. His hand was wrapped firmly around something I couldn't see. What is this? I quietly giggled to myself because of how nervous I was. Could he tell I was nervous?

"Tomorrow I want you to go out with me if you don't have work. I want to see what this will do to you." He said holding a small blue egg between his index finger and thumb.

I sat there for a moment. Is that what I think it is? That's a little vibrator, isn't it? Oh gosh. I swallowed hard. "Okay. I'd love that. I mean that would be like cool, or whatever." I said trying to seem like I wasn't freaking out. He made me so nervous.

"Good be ready around 6." He said before walking out of the room. Why did he still have that thing in his hand?

The night continued and I hadn't seen the vibrator egg since the incident earlier. I caught myself staring at him so much that night. He was so beautiful. His face was literally angelic. The night was ending and I told him I had to leave. Hopefully, he will want to see me again. I walked into the apartment and slumped on the couch. It was seven-thirty o'clock and I wasn't sure what to do. Maybe Stacie would want to hang out. She has the same shifts as me.

I decided to call her and she picked up after the third ring. "Hey what's up."

"Not much. Kind of bored." She said before laughing.

"Me too. Do you want to hang out or something?" I asked.

"Yes! Omg! There is this party I wanted to go to but no one would go with me. Will you?"

"Uh- sure. Let me get ready. Will you pick me up?" I wasn't the party kind of girl, but I didn't want to be brief all night.

"Yes. I'll be on my way after I get ready so hurry."

"Okay," I said before hanging up. I went into the bathroom and put on some pretty eyelashes to make myself pretty. I put on some PINK grey leggings and a black tank top that made my boobs look great. My curly hair was in a slicked-back ponytail. I better drive someone crazy tonight.

About forty minutes passed and there was a knock on the door. I walked over to the door and opened it. Stacie was grinning ear to ear. Then she looked me up and down. A long frown was across her face.

"What are you wearing? No! You have to wear a tight dress. You look like you're about to go smoke some weed on a couch with friends. This club has important people there!" She exclaimed.

"Well, I think it's pretty me. Don't you?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

"Yes. But we need sexy fierce you. We need the 'I'm literally the hardest bitch here and I know it' you." She said before walking in.

I closed the door behind her. "Okay. Well, I have a few dresses."

"Are they tight?"

"Some of them are. Come here with me." I said walking to my bedroom door and waving her to me. We walked over to my closet and she made me try on a few dresses.

"This is it." She said with a smile. The dress that was clinging to my body was black and had nothing but lace in a V shape on my chest. The sleeves were long but lace like the chest piece.   My gaze traveled to my thighs where the dress cut off right in the middle of them. I'm definitely driving someone crazy.

"I like this. I feel- sexy as fuck!" I exclaimed. This was the best i had felt about myself in a while. My boobs we're pushed together and they looked great, and don't even get me started on my butt.

Dream InvaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora