Chaper 1 (a) - A Fresh Start (Primrose Di Georgio)

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Primrose only allowed herself three days to recover from the jet lag, settle in and get her bearings around Boston before she started work. But, as Primrose slept for a long time on the plane, she had not experienced any jet lag and was feeling very fresh. While Primrose was sitting in the back of her Uber chatting to the driver, she could feel her tummy turning into knots, as she looked out of the window.

"Umm...sorry...but are you going the right way" Primrose asked trying not to sound scared. Why has he locked the door? Omg, how am I going to get out and where am I going to go? I don't even know where I am. What if he does something to me? Something bad?

"Yes, don't worry, we are almost there" Primrose was being driven away from the beautiful and traditional Boston townhouses and luxury apartments in the trendy and upmarket neighbourhoods and being driven into the dark and bleak neighbourhoods. She felt as though she was back in London; being driven away from South Kensington to Thornton Heath; where she lived. After almost an additional 45 minutes, the driver pulled up outside a run-down apartment in serious needs of TLC.

"This isn't the right place" Primrose told the driver alarmed

"It's the address you gave me"

"Oh no, maybe I got it wrong...Hold on..." Before Primrose could check Google Maps, a young man who was around 20-years-old knocked on the window, startling her. The driver rolled down Primrose's window, so she could hear him.

"Hi, you must be Primrose. I'm Austin, welcome to Boston" Shit; I am in the right place. Primrose had been in communication with a man named Austin regarding renting a room she found advertised on Gum Tree. Whilst Austin was a common name in America, Primrose was a very old and outdated name, including in England. What are the chances that he's been talking to someone else named Primrose.? Where Primrose was standing was the polar opposite of the Gum Tree advert, which showed a gorgeous lakefront apartment in a gated, private and residential road.

Primrose thanked the driver before she stepped out of the car and shook Austin's hand. Don't judge a book by a cover Primrose. He looks nice and even if the apartment looks grim, it might be like the Ritz inside. He looks normal, not the serial killer type, but he does look too young to be a university graduate already unless he skipped a couple of grades.

" look a bit too young to have graduated from university already. Are you a prodigy of some sorts?" Please say yes. I hated my life whilst I was at university; I'm definitely going to hate it more as an adult living with university students.

"What's a prodigy?" Seriously!

"It's just that when we were chatting on Whats App, you wrote that you had finished university, but you look too young to me"

"Ah, yeah, about that, my girlfriend and I are actually 20. Same like the other couple who live here. We're still at college"

"So, you haven't finished?"

"That's what I just said...but we almost have...two more years to go" he said, as he crossed his fingers. Lying prick.

"Thanks for lying"

"No problem"

Primrose rolled her eyes, as they fell into an uncomfortable silence, as they entered the apartment. What else have they lied about? What am I going to walk into? A murder scene? Primrose started to panic and got her phone out; dialling 9-1-1, erring on the side of precaution. Primrose felt as though she was on set of the movie 'Vacancy' and like she was going to be a victim in a snuff movie. As Primrose entered the apartment, she could smell the foul stench of weed and stale cigarettes. They made their way around the kitchen, which was full of dirty and used cutlery and the fridge had expired milk and mouldy cheese inside. "We all chip in for the weekly shop. If you don't want to share, then write your name on whatever you've bought. Nobody's going to steal" Yeah right, I need to buy a mini fridge.

Open Heart Book 1 - Someone Like YouOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant