BOOK SIX | Say It .

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Mikylo Sanders-KaneSeptember 1st 2015Pittsburgh, PA

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Mikylo Sanders-Kane
September 1st 2015
Pittsburgh, PA

Looking into the crowd of annoyed high school students, I watch as Symone talks to her best friend anelle.

Watching her every move, And I mean every move. From her stare to her angelic smile I studied it all.

I know this might make me seem like a creepy ass stalker but,I can't talk to her,I just can't every time I pull up the courage to do it. I freeze up and can't move, not a damn muscle in my body.

I've known Symone since we were in the sixth grade,she and I haven't actually gotten to have a one on one conversation.she gorgeous I'll tell you that much.

"Mikylo come on bro let's go play basketball" Nathaniel said pushing me a little.

"You just messed Me up ya doof" I said referring to the now ruined painting.Looking back at Nathaniel, I mugged him. He threw his hands up.

"Sorry Kylo you just can't hear when you are in ya zone,I called you like five times" He complained.

"It's fine," I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Who's the chick?" Nathaniel said, referring to the painting.

"I don't know.I've been seeing her in my dreams" I started to scratch the back of my head thinking about this mysterious girl.

"She's very pretty Mikylo." Looking behind me to meet anelle's gaze.

"Do you think so?"

"I know so," She smiled.

"Class,Can I have your attention?" Mrs.simpson Asked.

We all look at her, giving her our attention.

"We have two new students" She spoke softly.

"Symone and raven, Say hello everyone" She smiled at the new girls then back at us.

"Hi symone ! Hi Harper !" We Shouted.

I could do nothing but stare at symone. She was so beautiful.I don't know if it was her round plump lips or her sandy brown completions that caught my eye but whatever it was, I liked It.

"Symone and raven ! Come over here!" anelle shouted and i quickly nudged her side causing her to wince in pain.

"Ouch Kylo!" Anelle stared at me as if she was gonna stab me. I just shrugged.

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