Night School #4

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Fun fact: I was inspired to make this story from watching 'Young Sheldon'

〖No One's Pov 〗

Y/n stepped out of the Limousine while looking around to see a crowd of girls and boys alike, they were all staring intensely at her. Some gasp and awed.

"Oh, my god. Do you like...See that? SHE'S SO CUTEEE!" One blonde-haired fan girl screamed. "So Cute!" Another yelled causing the crowds to uproar at the child's cuteness.

Y/n gulped on her saliva not wanting anyone to touch her, who knows where they put their hands! Kanato stepped out of the limousine as well while dropping teddy and picking up Y/n. Y/n looked up at Kanato feeling oddly safe in his arms, it felt like Y/n was Kanato's most prized possession.

"Y-You dropped your teddy." Y/n stuttered out burying her head into Kanato's shoulder, "I don't care." Kanato simply replied not giving a second thought about his teddy, after all, he has a new friend who could easily fit in his arms,

"Move," Kanato said blankly to the crowd who was blocking the way into the school, The crown instantly responded while making a line for the Sakamaki to get into the school.

Once Yui made her way out of the limousine people gave her rude comments and sneers. Yui pretended to care while looking down at her feet, and fiddling with her fingers nervously.

Reiji sighed while picking up Kanato's teddy off the dirty floor. "How odd- Kanato is attached to this thing." Reiji shook his head while pushing up his glasses giving the female humans a sharp look, causing some to faint and have nose bleeds.

Reiji let out a small growl seeing another limousine parked in front of the school. "The Mukami brothers..." Reiji gave the limousine one last glare before entering the school.

Yui quickly tried to catch up, she was simply enraged that her Y/n was getting carried and loved by the Sakamaki's. When in reality Yui should be the one to only show Y/n love. But for the time being she needs to keep up her act so Y/n doesn't drift away from her and hate her.


Y/n almost fell asleep in Kanato's arms. Lick Y/n's eyes shoot open seeing Kanato getting ready to bite her neck, Y/n swiftly backhanded Kanato and jumping out of his arms. "Y-You dirty! PEDO!" Y/n's screaming at the top of her lunges. While quickly running to Yui.

"Yui! Yui!" Y/n frantically chanted tugging on Yui's skirt, Y/n held her hands out to Yui meaning she wanted to be picked up. Yui quickly obliged while picking Y/n up gently. Y/n quickly realized that she asked someone to pick her up, Y/n let out a small cough.

"N-Not like I wanted this or anything-" Y/n mumbled shyly. Kanato stood still for a moment while touching his face, "You hit me-" Kanato spoke in a dark voice, Kanato clenched his fist, "Once we get home Doll-chan, You'll be punished." Kanato grumbled out while heading to the classroom.

"Y/n-chan I have our schedule's." Yui said holding Y/n with one arm, holding up the Schedule, "Period One, Science, Class 1.03." Yui said out loud looking around in the hall. Y/n also looked around to see a door with the number, '1.03' above it.

"Over there!" Y/n said while pointing at the room, "G-Good job Y/n-chan!" Yui patted Y/n's head gently while going into the Science room.

After Y/n and Yui introduced themself to the Science class they headed off into there own seats some people questioning if Y/n is in the right class because of her age.

"So now be very careful while adding the chemical." The teacher spoke in a slight warning tone, The students nodded while putting on their goggles.

Y/n looked at a pink and blue type of chemical, "What in the world-" Y/n reached for both of them putting them in the glass while turning on the boiler to heat the chemicals up. Y/n then lastly reached for a green and yellow one pouring them in. She was simply curious, sure she might get in trouble but it was worth it.

After all, it might teach her something. Y/n suddenly stopped as the chemical began to bubble all over the table. Y/n tried to stop it while removing her rubber gloves-


Y/n fell to the floor as the chemical's splashed all over her. Yui let out a loud gasp. Some of the students quickly freaking out, "Why Is everyone-" Y/n gently touched her throat her voice somehow seemed- more mature? Y/n looked at her legs seeing they were...longer?

Her boobs were slightly bigger.






Yui's Smart Sister! Yandere Various Diabolik Lovers x readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat