Chapter 5- My Body Is On Fire

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"She was doubting her capability , I knew it. I shouldn't have put so much pressure on her to be the perfect girl. I should never have expected her to catch up with all this school work, live this legacy and have a personal life at the same time. Even i couldn't do it. It's all my fault she was out there " Justin expresses his guilt to his friends.

"No it isn't because once i spoke to her about it we both agreed on a way i can help her and she was relieved because she wants to be apart of this legacy and to do you proud. Then our waiter come over handing us our coffee when he asked Kathryn if she was Lady VanderVall, when Kathryn replied who wants to know. The waiter responded with Ophelia and gagged me from behind separating me and Kathryn from one another. Ophelia spoke with Kathryn and she has some big plan and uses Kathryn to get what she wants. Thankfully Kathryn proved to herself on her own that she wasn't weak and she could handle it because she escaped and fought them off for as long as she could to allow me to get some distance from them. That's when someone rammed the pole into her stomach and they fell over the bridge but she didn't stop fighting. I should have been able to fight with her but i was the one that is too weak and it wasn't her." Professor K Thornton confesses to them blaming himself for Kathryn being in the state she is.

" Kevin we all know that you aren't as strong as you used to be but please don't blame yourself" Justin says comforting his friend.

A nurse comes out of the operating room and sits down with Greg, Kevin and Justin.

"Gentleman, Kathryn is going to okay for now but she isn't going to have a fast recovery for two factors One- The poison was deadly and because we don't know what poison was used then we can't identify how long it will take her to heal. Second - What ever was used in the poison she has taken a reaction too meaning until that poison is completely out of her system she isn't safe but again she should survive. You two are extremely lucky, you both could have died out there."The nurse shares with them all.

"This is bad, really bad. We know that Ophelia and her men can't come any where near this castle but outside of the school ground god knows what she would be willing to do. No one is safe not just Kathryn because Ophelia will use anyone she can to lure Kathryn out because my daughter is a good person and if she knows that Ophelia has taken for example Jesse then she will give herself up and trade places with him. Not just because he is the man she loves but also due to the fact that she won't let people get hurt." Justin states in fear for his daughter's life knowing her big heart always gets her into trouble.

Kathryn's Chambers- 3pm

Kathryn continues to toss and turn in her bed asleep moaning afraid and scared as she relives the fight in her dream. Jesse walks into her room with a bunch of books in his hand.

"Hi Justin, How has she been?" Jesse asks concerned while placing the books down on the table.

"Since the last time you were here nothing has changed she is still sleeping" Justin updates Jesse while looking at the books on the table "Thank you for going by her classes and getting the work she is missing out on even though i can't see her willing to do work right now" Justin says thankful and although he didn't want Kathryn doing any work he has observed her stubbornness from the sidelines her whole life.

"No problem Justin, If there is anything i can do please just let me know and i can help out. I dropped by the infirmary on my way back here and Professor Thornton is looking well. He told me that the doctor was going to be coming by to see him in a few hours to assess him and if all goes well then he will be back in his room before supper. He also told me he is planning on returning to work tomorrow" Jesse says in relief for Professor Thornton while sitting at the end of Kathryn's bed.

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