"Hey," she said softly.

He turned round to her, his ruffled hair making her stomach do somersaults just the way it had the first time he'd stayed over. Exactly the kind of somersaults she shouldn't be getting about her best friend.

"Pancakes will be ready in a couple of minutes," he said.

She smiled at him, and sat down at the table, pretending to be engaged in something on her phone but really sneaking glances up at Joey whenever he had his back to her. There was something comforting about seeing him in her kitchen, and she couldn't stop watching him.

She quickly looked away as he carried their plates over, placing hers in front of her first. The pancakes were slightly overbrowned, but the thought more than made up for that.

"You didn't have to make breakfast," she said.

"I know. I wanted to."

"Thank you." She hoped he knew she was thanking him for more than just breakfast. She was thanking him for being there, for knowing that she didn't want to go out last night and keeping her company, for making her feel happier than she had in a long time.

He met her eyes, his full of warmth. "You're welcome."

The days flew by, and suddenly they were nearing the end of the run. The show was now running with practiced ease, and Lauren managed not to think too much about the kiss with Joey, although every night she wanted to linger a fraction of a second longer.

"My parents are coming to the show tonight," Joey sprung on her one day on their drive to the theatre.

"They flew out to see you? That's so sweet."

"And you, actually."

She spluttered on her coffee. "What?"

"I'm not sure they would have come just for me," he laughed. "But they really wanted to meet you."

"Me?" she asked, disbelieving.

"Yes, you. I might have told them about you once or twice." He glanced over at her with a self deprecating smile, but her face was still frozen in shock. "I can tell them no, you don't have to meet them-"

"No! No, I... I'd like to meet them." He looked over at her again and she gave him a smile, one that grew wider when she saw the happiness in his eyes.

She got through the show without thinking about Joey's parents in the audience, but her hands started shaking as she packed up her stuff in the dressing room. She didn't know why she was so nervous to meet them - if they were anything like Joey, she had nothing to worry about - but she couldn't stop the ripples of anxiety going through her.

"You okay?" Joey asked gently as he came up to her.

"Yeah, I... I'm sure your parents are lovely."

"I'm gonna be there, okay?"

She nodded, managing to bring a smile to her face. "Okay."

He took her hand as they walked down the corridor, and part of her wondered if he'd let go when they went out and saw his parents, but he didn't. They were both beaming proudly at him, but then they turned to her and smiled just as warmly. Lauren was struck by Joey's resemblance to his mom, but she barely had time to finish that thought before she was being embraced by her.

"So you're Lauren," she said when she pulled back, still holding her by the arms. "Joey's talked so much about you."

Lauren looked at Joey for help, but he was looking down at the ground. She smiled a little as she realised it was embarrassment, but she was endeared by the fact that he had talked to his parents about her.

"I'm Denise, this is Bob," his mom continued, nodding at Joey's dad. "You were amazing in the show."

"Thank you," she said.

"You showed Joey up big time," Bob added, and Lauren laughed at that. This time when she looked at Joey he was smiling back at her.

"It's true," he said. "You're the best actor on that stage."

She was about to protest that, but Denise spoke.

"Will you come to dinner with us?"

"Oh, I- I don't know-" she said, not wanting to intrude. Joey hadn't said anything about dinner.

"Please?" Joey said.

A soft smile came to her face as she looked at his hopeful eyes. If he wanted her there, it would be rude to turn it down.

"Sure," she said. Denise beamed at her.

His parents couldn't have been more attentive to her during dinner, asking her questions about Michigan and school and work. She felt guilty about taking time away from Joey that he should get to spend with them before they went back to California, but every time she met his eyes he had a proud smile on his face.

"Here, let me-" Lauren started as the waiter placed the cheque down at the end of the meal.

"No," Bob said, pulling it out of her reach.

"It's our treat to you both," Denise said, putting her hand over Lauren's. She smiled at her in thanks, finding it hard to believe how comfortable she felt when she'd only known Joey's parents for a matter of hours. But just as much as their son did, they had an innate way of making her feel at ease.

Joey dropped his parents off at their hotel first, and Lauren got out of the car with him to say goodbye to them.

"It was so nice to meet you," she said, hugging them both in turn.

Denise held on longer, stroking her back, and Lauren was surprised to find tears welling up in her eyes that she had to fight down.

"You know if you ever wanted to come visit in California, you've got a place to stay," she said, and Lauren could tell she meant it wholeheartedly.

"Thank you," she said, unable to express her gratitude with anything more than that for fear of breaking down.

Joey hugged them both goodbye, and then drove Lauren home.

"I'm really glad you came tonight," he said after they pulled up outside her apartment.

"I'm sorry I kind of monopolised dinner."

"No, no, it was nice having you there," he reassured her. "I'm gonna hang out with them this weekend before they go home anyway." Then he grinned. "But you're welcome to join us anyway, they love you."

Lauren's heart swelled. "No, that's okay, you should spend time with them. But thank you for wanting me to be there. Your parents are two of the nicest people I've ever met." Joey smiled, and she leaned over to kiss his cheek. "And thank you for driving me home."

"Anytime," he said dazedly.

She got out of the car and went up to her apartment door, turning before she closed it behind her to see him still sat there watching her. She grinned, waved at him, and he waved back before driving away.

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