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Yugyeom scoffed when the other didn't pick up the phone. He groaned and throw his phone at the bed. "Already weekend and he still busy" yugyeom mumbled. Then his phone buzzed, he quickly grab the phone. Yugyeom thought it from jaebeom but it was from jungkook. Jungkook text me. Yugyeom bit happy. He open the apps and read the chat. He gasp. Yugyeom don't know want to feel happy or screaming read that text.

Do you wanna hang out with me today?

Yugyeom replied yes and he also say yes to himself even he know jungkook can't hear him but he still said yes while jumping like a kid. Yugyeom immediately go to change. Yugyeom hummed in happy way, looking himself at the mirror, spray cologne. "I'm always cute " he said while fixing his hair. Yugyeom check his phone for the last time, still no notification from jaebeom. He sighed and went out waiting for jungkook at the front door.

"The weather is nice today, i wish i can go out for date with daddy " he mumbled looking at the sky bright. Then he saw jungkook with his bunny smile on his face. Jungkook look cute and his outfit so boyish that make yugyeom heart beat faster, his cheeks became red. Feeling shy he looking down.

"Hi yugyeom, you look cute" jungkook still with the smile.

Yugyeom take glance at jungkook and look somewhere because he too shy to look at jungkook. "Hi...jungkook, you look....cute too" jungkook giggle a bit seeing yugyeom like that.

"Shall we get going? " jungkook asked. Yugyeom nodded. Jungkook give his hand to yugyeom. Yugyeom had curious look on his face. He feel hesitate to hold jungkook hand.

"Just grab my hand" jungkook see yugyeom feel hesitant so he hold yugyeom hand. Intertwined their hand and start to walk to mall. Yugyeom madly in blushed all way walking, jungkook is holding his hand. Like a cute couple they are but no they just friends. Yugyeom didn't feel so happy like this. Yugyeom smiled until his cheeks puffed.

Arrived at the mall, jungkook was treat yugyeom so well. He make yugyeom happy. Jungkook also buy yugyeom a plushie. A cat plushie, yugyeom was so happy because he got new plushie. Yugyeom whined in happily and make jungkook pinched his cheeks. After they both done eating, yugyeom asked jungkook to buy him choco shake.

"You wait here okay, i go buy choco shake" jungkook pat yugyeom head and went to buy choco shake. Yugyeom stood there cutely while hugging the cat plushie like 5 years old kid waiting for his mom. He was looking at the people cross him until his eyes focus on familiar face. At first he thought it's not him but clearly it was.....jaebeom. Beside him was a sexy girl with huge ass and breast.

Yugyeom eyes still can't believe on what he saw. Jaebeom was going out with a girl, while jaebeom hand on that girl ass. Glad jaebeom doesn't notice him there if not it will be a drama. Yugyeom just looking at them both until they walk into the bags shop.

"Here your choco shake"

"Thank you" with hurt heart he take choco shake from jungkook. Well atleast he got choco shake to make him happy but maybe not. They both went home. On the way walk for home, yugyeom hug his plushie tight. While yugyeom didn't notice it jungkook secretly take a photo of yugyeom. He smile, yugyeom was too cute with the plushie. Yugyeom arrived at his house and say goodbye to jungkook.

Bambam was not home yet. Yugyeom went straight to his room. Checking his phone, still no notification from jaebeom. He didn't cry, he so tired for crying. He send some text to jungkook and went to sleep. Cuddle with his plushie. Yugyeom want sweet dream not a bad dream.

"I miss you daddy"

Enjoy reading. 💚
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