"You're mistaken... we're not like that, but I know him more than anyone." I clearly explained, but to her, my relationship with Levi seemed very selfish and troublesome. She probably thinks I am trying to seduce and distract him from reality. But it's not like I'm harboring any unrealistic fantasies about him; we're just partners who trust each other.

Zaiya misunderstood everything and seethed with hostility at me. Leaving me no chance to explain, she strode off.

When the shadow of the evening came, I decided to pay Levi a visit for the first time after the expedition and came to a halt at his office door. I knocked a few times until I heard his call as a signal for me to enter; his cold yet soothing voice lured me inside. I step into the darkroom to find a couple of soldiers handing him reports and spot Levi sitting behind his desk frowning, seemingly worrying about something, and his cravat was loosened.

When he saw my presence, he slowly relaxed his shoulders and I shut the door behind me. His extremely calm demeanor often makes it difficult for me to guess what he is thinking.

Once they were finished, I waited until they all had left and then shut the door, intent on having a private conversation with Levi. Before asking how he was feeling, he was visibly distressed that so many of our comrades had died on a fruitless mission.

I notice the pain building up inside him... and he can't sleep on it. He is exhausted and only sleeps on an average of two to three hours. I am aware of his slight bouts of insomnia and right now, he is tempted to fall asleep in his chair.

"Levi..." I spoke softly, approaching his desk. "You haven't slept yet?"

"I haven't slept for three days straight... damnit," Levi complained, not wanting to read the reports that were just handed over to him just now. He holds his forehead with a slight hiss while squinting his eyes shut. "Leave before I kick you out."

"I'm not leaving until you finally decide to sleep," I beg him to take a well-deserved rest, but his sadistic behavior only makes things harder for the both of us.

His eyes flew open to glare at me, which sent chills down my spine. "You idiot. Just walking in without putting up any defense..." he scoffed at my recklessness. "I don't need to sleep. Leave so I can do my damn work."

"Fine, since you want to keep being stubborn, I'll ask Hange for help." Right when I spin on my heels to walk to the exit, a hand slams against the door just as I was about to open it. I didn't even need to turn to know that he was staring me down right now.

"Are you not following my order?"

Suddenly, I could sense Levi drawing close behind me. I spun around and drew back involuntarily, leaning against the door. With one hand on the board, he drew in very close and the moonlight backlit and obscured his features. "This was not how I was hoping to spend my day..." his eyes were staring into my own and I swallowed a lump down my throat at his icy expression. His scent was also immortalized in my mind, making my knees go weak.

"Tell me, Sina." His steel eyes were piercing through my fragile soul. "Why do you care about me so much?"

"Because you're the only person I can trust..." I shied away from him by turning my head to the side when he leaned closer. "Y-You saved me multiple times and I want to return a favor..."

"I don't need your help. I am strong enough to handle my own problems." I almost forgot that Levi hates it when people see him as weak and he proved that he isn't. "Just seeing your face reminds me of how weak humans are."

I found myself pausing at his words, but I was also offended. "Are you saying... humans are worthless?"

"All I want to say is... it is unfortunate for humans to be born into this world," Levi explains and I wish I hadn't heard it from him.

A Choice with Regrets [Levi Ackerman]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant