Chapter 1: Never Mine, But I Can Dream

Start from the beginning

It was better than living on the streets, and that's the only compliment it got. MUCH better than the streets. And he appreciated the walk. Though, it was a twisting maze to get to school, through short cut alleys, he could think about anything and had a fair amount of time to do so.

The only reason he even bothered to get out of bed was a, he needed to go to work, b, he couldn't just sit here and let some child tragedy keep him in depressed world, and c, he could occupy his time trying to catch an impossible fantasy of Shinozaki being his girlfriend.

 The thought of her being his was ecstatic. Her mumbling his first name, and not the regular snappy was a vision he and imangined many times, but damn well knew she deserved better than some drop out delinquent who was too hung over a past memory to move on fully. Satoshi, though head over heels in love with Nakashima but too scared to confess, was much better for her, though Yoshiki would never admit that out loud.

It would be perfectly fine if she would just look my way once and not be angry or pissed or in need of some assitance no one around is there to help her. He thought, sighing a little. Right now, all that is some stupid dream. He could hear the talking of others close by, but ignored it. People always walked on the sidewalk west of the alley, and it was easy to hear those conversations, but he didn't feel like eavesdropping.

......Maybe I can get her. Why not try? Got nothin' to lose...

I'm over being depressed. Fuck this shit.


Yoshiki approached the school, ignoring all the talk around him. Middle-schoolers giggled, high-schoolers gossiped as they made their way 'fashionably late', and teachers ushered students into classes. He had somehow gotten there earlier. It was 8:39. One minute until classes started, and he had just gotten into the middle school wing. He would still be late, but hey, not he wasn't as late. That's a first.

The classes were beginning to start, so the halls were empty and semi-quiet. It was nice. No one to bother him as he got to class late. This was the only thing good about being late; the halls were usually silent-ish and empty.

He started walking up the stairs, hearing the quiet murmur of classmates talking as the teacher got their shit together and the bell ran just before announcments played. At the top of the stairs, he saw a familiar short, dark haired occult freak standing there, looking angry and distraught. Her hands were filled with things like books, papers, and pencils. Doing the extra supply duty again, eh?

"Yo, Shinozaki." He greeted. She nodded at him.

"Hello, Kishinuma-kun. Hey, if you don't mind, can you grab my bag? I dropped it, but my hands are full and I'm going to slip." She asks, voice straining with annoyance. To be honest, he was quite happy she asked and didn't order snappily, though he knew that she wasn't bossy, even to him. He kneeled down, and picked up the orange and yellow messenger bag off of the floor by the stairs.

He casually continued to walk up the stairs, not giving her bag. She blinked a few times, and once his back was to her, he smirked. He was going to carry her bag  for her...her hands were full, so she couldn't even get it back without dropping something. She yelped in surprise, and chased after him.

"H-Hey!" She stammers, huffing.

"I'm carrying it for you."  He said firmly. Her eyebrows furrowed angrily at his stubborness.

"...Jerk." She turns away from him, scowling under her hair as they walked to class 2-9. He looks at her from the corner of his eye. She was staring at the floor, looking quite content with something though having been angrily glaring at the ground a few moments before. He wondered what she was thinking about, but decided not to just find out in case it was about Satoshi. Brown haired...charsimatic...idiot! He thought, though just joking about the idiot remark.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2014 ⏰

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