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'AN: I do NOT own Harry Potter. 'Italics': Thoughts.

Harry Potter LOVED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. See, Harry had grown up in a dreadful house, well, the house itself wasn't exactly horrible, it was the people inside it who were frightful. For as long as he could remember he had been the Dursley's slave; cooking all the meals, cleaned the house and was the gardener. If Dudley Dursley was naughty, Harry was condemned. This was because his family were normal. Thank you very much. Harry, however, was anything besides normal. He was remarkably intelligent, sporty had an eidetic memory.

When Hagrid arrived at the Cabin, Harry was shocked. No one ever came looking for him. Then Hagrid explained about magic and that Harry himself was a wizard. While looking for his school supplies in Diagon Alley, Harry discovered a plethora of books. Some described the Wizarding World as a whole. Some about the basics of his classes. However, the most surprising were numerous books about himself. Harry read as many books as he could that day, the ones he didn't have time for he bought.

That day while standing for his robes, Harry met a fellow student by the name of Draco Malfoy. Although he seemed a bit arrogant, like Dudley, Harry recognised that the blond knew everything there was to know about his new world. This meant when on the Hogwarts Express, Harry stood up for Draco Malfoy against the annoying red-head who kept asking about being the-boy-who-lived. During the Sorting Ceremony, Harry was placed into the house of Slytherin. Much to the shock of the student body and staff. Looking around after the hat's declaration, Harry noticed each house's reactions. Gryffindor's were looking around at each other, muttering about how "wrong" it was. Ravenclaws were starting to whisper about the "why". Hufflepuff just looked confused. Meanwhile, Slytherin students had frozen. Looks of either sheer terror or outrage on their faces. Sitting down, Harry saw the looks on each of his teachers' faces. Most just looked shocked, the headmaster looked saddened. However, the greasy-haired man on the end seemed enraged. Harry swallowed. Hard.

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